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Discuss and share thoughts and interests

![]() Er, that's weird. Have resent. |
![]() My name is Adam Creighton, and I've run a game industry blog and games review blog / mail list for 7-8 years. I'm the product manager for Emergent Game Technologies, a company that provides products and services (tools and tech, pipeline art and development solutions and game engines) for video game and visual simulation industries. We're the tech in more than 300 titles, recent ones being things Fallout 3, Civilization Revolution, Freaky Creatures, and Blood Bowl. I'm also a professional actor (voice and film), so I travel regularly to the three coasts. |
0 topics 1 posts
![]() Wow, nice CV! Especially you were 'part' of Fallout 3 is really cool, in my opinion the best game of 2008. |
2 topics 72 posts
![]() Hi everyone, I'm Atilla, a gamer from the Netherlands. While I'm trying to finish 3D media/design education I'm writing in my spare time for PS3Life.nl. Actually started out as database/webdesign tech help there, but have since started doing daily news and articles/reviews as well. It's been very interesting so far, I'm still very new to this industry eventhough it's related to 3D media/design/gaming. I'm still doing programming work, recently added an automated trophy library to the site (ps3life.nl/trophies/). About two weeks before Sony changed the way they store the data which pretty much broke all automated trophy sites including ours... ![]() I really like that Chameleon > Gaméleon thing, I wonder if you're supposed to pronounce it exactly the same too. ![]() |
0 topics 3 posts
![]() Loha. My name is the ever so common Chris, so the majority of people simply refer to me by my online name (including my GF's parents) which is alphaxion (or just alpha for short. Yes, I have a nickname for my online name!). I'm based in the UK and have been attending a good number of gaming events in and around the Yorkshire area. Fun moment so far was getting drunk with Jon Hare and putting the wrongs in the gaming industry to rights ;) While my main career has been Network Admin, last year I started to discover an enjoyment for writing, culminating in a position as script writer for Rocketboom. Sadly, the team were let go back in November. However, I still loved the style of the show and decided to do a version of it based around video games.. in December I crafted a pilot episode for what was about to be called "lol whut", as my capacity to name things can be poor at times. Since a pilot episode is effectively a vertical slice, the name stuck. It wasn't until I was laid off from my main job in Feb that I decided to give the show a proper push and purchased a proper camera to replace the woahful webcam and a laptop+final cut express with my redundancy package. Since then I have been crafting at least 1 episode per week and hamfistedly attempting to promote it. I've also been helping my GF as much as possible since she has now graduated from a game design course and was in an odd situation where Sumo Digital and Rockstar North were interested in her! Odd because she was having a rought time deciding which one to accept. |
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[Deleted] |
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![]() Good Evening! I'm Mike Crassweller, though some might know me as Zoomba. I'm on the publishing team at Stardock Entertainment where I mostly work on the digital distribution platform, Impulse. If you're a developer or publisher whose game is (or will be) up on Impulse, you stand a good chance of working with me on all the technical nitty-gritty of coordinating the whole thing. Prior to working for Stardock, I spent two years working for an insurance company doing IT project management, and network security engineering. And before that I was just a gamer going through school. I have some podcasting experience co-hosting the WinCustomize SkinCast (desktop customization, ran over a dozen episodes), and to fill my free time before getting an industry job I spent a fair bit of time blogging about games and technology. I keep the blogging up now with weekly features on what's new and interesting on Impulse, and on occassion I might be heard doing a special podcast to promote a particularly cool game available on Impulse. My favorite games are strategy and role playing games. I look back fondly on my many days lost to games like Master of Orion 2 and Baldur's Gate II (plus expansions) and wish "they" still made games like that. Start me off in a bar, with a warrior, mage and druid looking for work and send me from there! Anyway, that's who I am. The entire idea of this site is a great one I think. And if you're looking for a digital distributor for your game, don't hesitate to contact me. The greatest thing about digitial distribution is it allows us to go back a bit towards the garage developer days where anyone with a good idea has a decent shot. Cheers! -Mike |
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![]() Hi guys, I thought I'd drop by to introduce myself. I'm Jamie, and I'm with the Dublin based Gala Networks Europe. I'm currently English Marketing Manager here and am working on two titles, Dragonica which was launched last and Allods Online which is due out in the Autumn. I've been around a bit, started in retail, then ran a website in Ireland for just under four years, got involved with the local development community and got my first proper industry job in network middleware company Demonware, then went on to run the first officially licensed Xbox venue in Europe for just under two years, then on to a browser game publisher and now I am with a free to play MMO publisher based in Dublin. I really like the GameLeon site, it's a great platform to talk directly to journalists and others interested in the games industry, and I wish the GameLeon team the best in making this a fantastic tool for everyone in the games industry. Thanks! Jamie |
0 topics 1 posts
![]() Hey there, My name's Keenan, I'm 20 years old, and live in the incredibly boring state of Iowa in the United States. I'm quite new to this whole "gaming industry" thing. I'm joining courtesy of Zoomba (who posted just above me), as he perked my interest to this place. I'm Executive Editor and Lead Designer of a new PC gaming website called Game Central. Our goal for GC was to revitalize interest in PC gaming websites, with emphasis on a Web 2.0 and eye-pleasing design, with, of course, quality reading material and other content, podcasts, video podcasts, etc. Above all that, our main emphasis on Game Central is to create a community of likeminded PC gaming individuals; a place where they can interact about their hobby, and have fun doing it. I highly recommend everyone consider joining. ![]() As I said, we're just getting started, so we have a lot to learn. But judging by the reactions of many people I show, it's a positive experience. So I really hope the site gets going someday. ![]() As for my favorite games... Jeez. I'll just list my top ten favorite games ever. 1. Deus Ex 2. Crusader: No Remorse 3. Ecco the Dolphin 4. Operation Flashpoint 5. Outlaws 6. Half-Life 7. Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger 8. Super Mario Brothers 3 9. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 10. Metal Gear Solid Also: I can beat Contra without dying once. Will be proven live at this year's PAX if anyone wants to watch. ![]() Glad to be apart of this place, can't wait to see where it goes! |
1 topics 6 posts
![]() My turn to introduce myself, I'm Simon (dembot24) and hope to get started writing about video games, but more from a casual gamers perspective, I used to game loads but now I have a family its hard to get the time to play as much as I used to. I live in the UK and actually work as a Graphic Designer by day, hopefully games press on the side who knows! I started playing video games when I was something like 6? I had a NES, then a Mega drive, those were the days! I had a sick obsession with Sonic had all of his games as a kid! Then I crawled onto the Playstation, from there excluding the N64 I’ve owned one of every console at least! Now I own a Wii and Xbox360, which I actually got through selling my PS3…go figure? Speak to you guys soon! My empty blog will hopefully be over-flowing in no time! ATB Dembot24 |
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