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![]() Hi, everyone! My name is Jason, and I am one of the most long-winded people you'll ever meet. In spite of that, I'll try to be brief. I started writing about games in the third grade. No one will ever see that content. When I graduated high school, I still hadn't been online more than maybe 10 minutes, but I decided to try it out and then I quickly decided to build a web site on Geocities. That grew into the site I have today, HonestGamers. HonestGamers has given me a great deal of experience. It initially began as an attempt to build a site like IGN, so that the folks there would notice me and offer me a job. That hasn't happened, but I write freelance guides for them sometimes and I also write for Hardcore Gamer Magazine in addition to freelancing for sites like GameRevolution and GamesRadar (though not recently). Somewhere along the way, my own site became pretty exciting and has attracted some solid support from other great writers. I came here because of an e-mail that Tom submitted to my site through its 'Contact' form. I was pleasantly surprised by the community that I found here. I hope to get to know some of you and to work with you closely in the future, since my site is in an expansion phase and definitely can use additional new talent. If I find some freelance work for myself on the side, that's also cool. Anyway, I've said enough. If you're looking for opportunities or have great ones to offer, get in touch with me. I love working with talented people! |
0 topics 9 posts
![]() I'm Jon. I'm a Chicago area gamer that loves to write. I'm on the verge of getting a Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy, since my school didn't have a journalism program and the english/literature program at my university doesn't really matter for much until you get into grad school. I ended up getting involved with gaming journalism for a couple of reasons, including the fact that I'm a bit of a gaming addict. I don't just focus on console or PC gaming either since I love table top strategy and role playing games. The experience I have in journalism though has been in the making the past seven years working for multiple publications (mostly online but some are print as well) as a writer, copy editor, section editor, managing/associate editor and editor-in-chief. My specialties in writing are legal/political analysis, commentary and reviews. |
1 topics 7 posts
![]() Right then. Tempting to copy & paste the blurb from my website, but I'll be lovely and paraphrase instead. I'm Lewis Denby. Currently based in Leeds, UK, I look after a new-but-quickly-growing games site called Resolution. In essence, it's the dumping ground for a collective of games journos, writing about a variety of topics related to gaming, the industry and the community. This takes up far more time than I ever expected. Anyone who runs a bigger site is particularly insane. When I do have time off, I busy myself writing for other people. I'm a regular contributor to Honest Gamers, which is a lovely site full of exceptional writers, all sporting brilliant opinions on a variety of games-related matters. I've recently been doing a bit of writing for both Eurogamer and Rock, Paper, Shotgun, which is rather exciting, as they're both sites I've followed avidly for rather a long time and have limitless respect for. And when I have time off from that, I'm trying to finish a degree in linguistics. But that's not really interesting for anyone. I have a particular fascination with the way games are seeping into popular culture and people's reactions to this. I'm keenly anti-prescriptive: there is no bigger turn-off for me than a review of, say, The Path that complains there's "no gameplay." I approach my work from the perspective of someone interested in what routes games are taking, not in stating categorically what they should be doing. Because that's not for me to say. |
![]() Richard Mitchell here. I'm a Canadian game enthusiast-turned-journalist that recently launched my own venture - GameNorth.ca. We're very new and still in the process of finding our footing, but experience has been a pleasant one thus far. We'll be doing our best to help establish a voice for the Canadian gamer, as well as showcase the efforts of our home-grown industry talent. I look forward to the advice and ideas that this growing community will provide and the opportunity to get to know some of you better. |
0 topics 1 posts
![]() Hi all, Laura "Lara" Bularca here. I have a Gameleon account for a while, but I am shy :) I am writing about video games since 2001, however mainly on the Romanian market (it's something I'd like to change though). My best work is features, mainly about game development, how to make your first steps in the gaming industry, how it is to work as (game designer/ developer. QA, and so on) or for (a particular company), how you could develop an indie game or rapid prototyping, and such. I also am a big fan of MMOs and very interested in MMO business models, revenue models, microtransactions, free-to-play, user generated content, as well as indie games and indie movement (big World of Goo fan here :) ). I work for a few Romanian publications but I also have a piece published in The Escapist some time ago (not one of my best though, I must admit). Gaming journalism is my "night job" (I am a sortof modern Superman :) ), and during daytime I work as a project manager & business development for an American software developer. Nice to meet you all and congratulations for a wonderful idea (Gameleon I mean :) ). I am looking forward to know as many of you as possible! |
0 topics 1 posts
![]() Ian Brown, I reckon I discovered the Hylia about a year or two before TP came out (foggy memory, that was a while ago now), and checked it every day since then until it came out. I loved that site! I remember seeing Mike (I think) go on stage at the Nintendo conference and thinking 'Hah, I know that guy! Kind of!'
Thanks for all your posts so far guys, some cool stories and a really great mix of people. Keeeeeep doing it! |
2 topics 26 posts
![]() Hi everyone! I'm Kirsty from England and 24 years old. I started gaming journalism a year ago, and only really got into gaming two years ago thanks to my boyfriend who is an avid gamer. I was writing for completegamingnetwork.com which is now under going a site split and we are starting a seperate editorial site called thisismyjoystick.com. I have always enjoyed writing, but never thought I would combine it with gaming :-D I am a full time mum who certainly has her hands full so writing time can be tight sometimes, but when I have finished an article I get such a sense of achievement! Looking forward to getting to know all of you and it's nice to see I'm not the only female ;-) |
0 topics 1 posts
![]() As you can tell by the name above my picture, my name's Shaquil (yes, like the basketball player) and I've been interested in gaming journalism for about two years now. I'm only 16, so I feel really out of place with all the 20-30 year olds, but I'm glad to have the opportunity to converse with people who are like-minded. Last year, a friend of mine and I began a blog site called nexgen.com, but it never really worked out and for some reason the link broke and no one could find access to it (very annoying and disheartening) but just a few months ago, that same friend came to me saying that he'd found the site and was able to give it a new template, though it's still nothing special. Currently, the site is running, and it's called nexgen.malifactor.com. I'm also in a volunteer position for Pixelatedgamer.com, a very new site. As well as that, I have a pending position at a website called GameHeros.com, which will officially open to the public on July 1st (anyone looking for a position at a site should definitely check the place out, because they claim they will provide their game critics with free copies of games in the future). Uh, this is running long and I doubt anyone's too interested in reading it, but if u just skipped to the end, you should know that I have tons of time on my hands, and I'm very interested in working with anyone on any site, perhaps freelancing, or maybe co-writing some articles. I'm very open and I'd love to work with anyone here. |
3 topics 8 posts
![]() Hello everyone! My name is Caleb, but most people call me Togi. I've been writing stories and such for ages now, but just recently decided to try my hand at freelance game journalism. I run a site with a friend of mine called deathbychopsticks.com. The objective of the site is to be an outlet for any excess creativity we have while working in a less than creative environment. Ironic, seeing how I work at a game design company >_< Professionally, I am a game developer, working at a small company in Huntsville, Alabama. I realized I have a lot of free time on my hands, and way too much useless gaming knowledge to just sit and let it all go to waste. As a result, I've started posting much more on our website over the past week. I've found that I love writing about games, and I hope to make a full fledged career out of it someday soon. I'll keep this one short. Looking forward to networking with you all! |
0 topics 1 posts
![]() Short but sweet from me - My name is Peter, I've worked a variety of jobs from selling jewellery on a market stall to selling luxury apartments for property developers. I've trained as a cocktail bartender, chef, wine-waiter and barista. Spent the past 18 months working freelance as an architectural photographer and writing in my spare time for TheSixthAxis.com. My business is flagging in the recession so I'm finding a bit more time to write which is like that fabled silver-lining I keep hearing about. I'm currently looking into ways to make my writing pay me so that I don't have to go back to that market stall! Oh, I forgot to mention that I have written for a couple of print magazines but they were political publications (which sold fairly well) and I used to write press releases for a youth political organisation which aimed at improving awareness of and participation in the political systems amongst young people. |
0 topics 1 posts