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![]() Hey guys, Matt here from Go Gaming Giant. Got my start in the video game journalism industry with sites like Uncle Gamer, Xcast Online and Xbox Solution. Currently I am the owner, co-founder and editor in chief of Go Gaming Giant. We're only about six months old but we hope to continue to grow and improve. |
5 topics 7 posts
![]() Hi, I'm Chris Dahlberg. I'm 20 years old going on 21, and have been writing for various sites since I was 13 years old. I've written for sites such as Gamers Instinct, Gamersmark, Active Gaming, and Playstation Ultra (most of which are now closed). I also moderated at VGamin, a forum for gaming webmasters during the periods of times that it was active. Currently I run Cosmos Gaming, a gaming and music site that has been around since 2003, but officially launched in 2005. The website is based out of Maryland in the United States and can be accessed at http://www.cosmosgaming.com We have reviewed numerous games and music from every genre. Some of my other accomplishments include attending the Serious Games Conference where I interviewed the president of Sensics, a company that makes virtual reality headsets. I also had a chance to try out the company's virtual reality headset and write a feature on it. On the music side, I've done in person interviews with In Flames, The Chariot, Horse the Band, Chimaira, Machine Head, Throwdown, and members of Ministry's final line up. I have probably close to 1,000 contacts in the music and games industry (mostly American contacts but some European) so let me know if you need anything. ______________________ |
0 topics 1 posts
![]() I shall also introduce myself as a new member of this great community (I think). First of all, my English isn't that very good. I'm 22 years old (going to be 23 on the 30th of June) and living in The Netherlands. I'm the general manager on the website Undercover-Gaming.nl. I've starten at the age of 17 with having a own gamingsite. The website died after two years because some people were spamming my forums with nude pictures and people who cut their arms. A few months later I got asked to be a writer on another website and I stayed their for almost a half year. After that I quit gaming for one year. I couldn't find any motivation so play games. But that changed when someone asked me to do the PR on a website. I accepted the challange and I really liked it to be involved in the gaming community again. But the time changed when we were going to the Leipzig Games Convention in August 2008. We were having issues for almost the whole week because two of the writers didn't wanted to go to appointments because they were having a terrible headache due the alcohol the previous night. So after that I quit with that website and started Undercover-Gaming.nl. We wanted to do something new and different. And at some point we were having succes. We had some cool interviews with a company called Monobanda (http://www.Monobanda.nl), a guy who's translating games into Dutch and a interview with some people who visited the Elf Fantasy Fair. We launched at 14th of February this year and we are going to attend at the Gamescom in Kohln in August. That's all I can tell about me :D I really like this idea to create a website where people from the gaming industry can talk with eachother and exchange some idea's. |
![]() First of all: thumbs up for the maker of this site. Great idea. Well, I'm Kevin Pennekamp and I'm 19 years old. I live in the Netherlands and start working for gamingsites when I was 17 years old. I started at the same website where Sylvano Witte was working. With this site I allways stayed a game newswriter with sometimes a article about a game (review, preview of an article about something in the world of gaming). When the issues started on this website, the crew got split in half. When Sylvano Witte left, so did a few others, just like me. A few weeks later Sylvano came to me and said that he was going to start his own gamingwebsite. He asked me to join as a journalist and who am I to don't accept the challenge. Two months before the website was going to air I got a promotion. I became Staff Manager of Undercover-Gaming. Untill now I have the time of my life at this website. Well that's my life story about me and the game industry. |
1 topics 13 posts
![]() I am Ralph Beentjes, 18 years old and a really fresh chicken in the game-industry ;-D Just as Sylvano (my boss) and Kevin I work for Undercover-Gaming.nl, we can really communicate good with eachother since we know one and other from a different Dutch site. Also the rest of the crew is a (former) member of that site, so we actually have multiple places to slowchat, hehe. Since I won a contest for best review of the month I got asked by Kevin if I wanted to work for UG and since then I am too lazy to write news articles. Tough the lack of that is evened by the amount of reviews I write, that is even three (!) this week. That's my story in a nutshell... well, actually it's the whole story but no-one cares. Later chaps. |
2 topics 72 posts
![]() Hello everyone! I am Tjitze Zijlstra, 19 years old and working for 4 years in the game-industry. I begun my carreer with memberreviews on a dutch site. Then a Belgian guy invited me to write for GameQuarter.be. I accepted his offer en worked for that site for 3,5 years. I have also worked for FIFA Voetbal and Soccer.Gamez.nl. In September this year I will release my own website, called Webson.nl. It's an opinion site with a small focus on gaming! That's all for now ;) |
0 topics 1 posts
![]() Hello fellow journo enthusiasts, The name is Matt and I'm a 22 yr old Aussie who surprise surprise loves writing about video games. I know, shock, horror. It's something I've been doing for a few years now and slowly I'm gaining knowledge, experience and skills; the holy three which is making the illusion of freelance gaming journalism that ever bit more a reality. I've got a degree in communications with a journalism background, so it's not rare for me to write about things other then gaming. I'd love to get into some discussion and even meet more Australian game journalists. With that I will leave you with a random musing - maybe one day machines will write video game content and it will be our jobs to maintain these machines. Think about it. |
0 topics 2 posts
![]() Matt Bassos wrote...
maybe one day machines will write video game content and it will be our jobs to maintain these machines. Think about it.Ik hope not, because I love writing about games myself ![]() |
![]() That would make thousands of people workless in one time... Bad idea! :P |
2 topics 72 posts
![]() Hi everybody, my turn to stand up and talk... I started writing for Thunderbolt Games when I was 15 years old, and in the two years since, I've significantly progressed into the various roles and jobs I have today. Starting out as a staff writer, I now head Thunderbolt's UK PR, so get to talk to all the companies we love to take products from on a daily basis. I also write various reviews for Strategy Informer, and have helped out over at D-Pad when a little bit of assistance was required. I've attended many press events, gained vital contacts within the industry, and generally had an amazing time going from place to place and meeting new people. Although I'm young, I like to think I've had a fair amount of experience, and hopefully have a firm foot in the door to full-time journalism! I've actually just completed my A-levels a year early, and am looking to take on some more roles within the next month or so. So, if anyone wants to take a look through some of my work, please feel free to ask. Some of the early stuff is predictably rubbish when looking back on it, but my later articles for Thunderbolt and SI are now up to the standard I feel they should be. Thanks for listening! |
0 topics 20 posts