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![]() Hi there everyone, My name is Gavin and I'm the founder and CEO of Daily PC Game Reviews (www.dailypcgamereviews.com on the Blogger platform). I am also a software engineer designing and coding games as a freelancer during my free time. Please head on down to our website and take a look around (and I'd truly appreciate it if you can participate by clicking on the social links while you're there). We have more than 330 reviews in our database to date and have bigger plans in the future once migration to a proper webhosting site (read as "Wordpress equipped") is done. I'm also looking for job opportunities or the chance to freelance (as a guest editor / writer) on your website. All other business opportunities are also welcome. Cheers! Gavin Koh www.linkedin.com/in/GavinKoh |
0 topics 1 posts
![]() Hey guys. I'm Laura, I'm from Liverpool and I currently work as a Staff Writer for GAMElitist.com. I've been with them since our launch over a year ago, and the website has grown into something pretty awesome. Prior to this, in 2009 I started working as a Content Writer for Gamercorner, a website which (sadly) is no longer active. I worked with those guys for around six months. I'm always looking for more work and opportunities to establish myself as a video game journalist. I'm particularly interested in the idea of freelancing, so if anyone has any tips they can give me it'd be most welcome. If you want to check out my column, it's called Challenge Accepted: http://www.gamelitist.com/category/columns/challenge-accepted/ Thanks! Laura Leigh https://twitter.com/LauraMarieLeigh |
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![]() I would like to take the opportunity to welcome you all to the site. |
![]() Hello Leonians. My name is Steve. Started nJoystic about two years ago. Two-man crew, though I'd like to change that. I've always enjoyed writing but never had a focus. I've played games since my grandmother bought my brother and I an Atari back in the mid 80's. Figured gaming would be a great thing to focus on. I was right -- it's a blast. Just doing our thing. Sometimes better than others. I'm a pro at slacking off on Twitter (@njoystic). So, yeah. That's my thrilling tale of how my little blog rose from obscurity to . . . equal obscurity. |
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![]() Well I'm terrible at these, but here goes... My name is Jerry. I'm an Editor at Eye for Games (Efgmagazine.com). I'm looking to just network with developers (indie or AAA), other journalists and critics, and anyone interesting in the industry. I'm interested in continuing to grow in my knowledge of games, and am always looking for new opportunities (freelance or otherwise). Thanks. |
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![]() Welcome to the site! |
![]() Thank you! |
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![]() Hey guys! I'm Brian and I'm a 29 year old video game Journalist/Reviewer living in West Lafayette, IN. I've been a gamer since the days of the NES and have been doing video game journalism for the past three years. I started out doing a unofficial podcast for the site GameFAQs simply titled "GameFAQs Podcast" for a little over eight months. We had guests in the form of users on the GameFAQs message board in which they had the opportunity to put a voice and personality behind their username. I had the honor of having two guests from the video game industry which some of you might be familiar with Edmund McMillen and Tommy Referenes the creators of Super Meat Boy and McMIllen the creator of the ever so popular Binding of Isaac. After doing the GameFAQs Podcast I was hired on by my now good friend Justin Germino over at a site called Dragon Blogger to be a video game reviewer/news writer which turned into simply being a journalist which I really enjoy. I've covered Wizard World Chicago Comic Con and just recently Gen Con 2013. I am working my way up to hopefully working for a bigger site but I am really happy with what I'm doing now. I'm a very big gamer and my wife absolutely loves Borderlands 2. If you want to add me on Xbox Live please do so as I am always up fpr making more friends especially friends that are gamers like myself. GT: Venoms Karnage |
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![]() Hi There! My name is Vanessa...my 'gamer friends' call me gothix...and my parents nicknamed me POOPY... (im not kidding either LOL) I'm a master of all trades, model, graphic/web designer, and horror movie buff. I recently launched my own gaming community (savagegamers.com) because I've never been a fan of working for anyone else LOL. Im not too good with introductions actually but I figured I would say hi so I could break the ice and start networking. Glad to be here! :) |
1 topics 2 posts
![]() Very happy to be here: Name's Mitch. For the last 5-or-so years I've been trying to figure out how to break into this industry. I've loaded up on experience reviewing anything I could and I'm even trying to get a public access nerd news show off the ground. I love indie games and innovation, which I believe are fueled by game reviews. My greatest joy is in creating the excitement people feel when hearing a good review for an unusual game and seeing my industry develop as an art form. I am exactly that kind of artsy ponce. |
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