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![]() Hi there! I finally got off my (lazy? I swear it was all work) butt and moved from Videogamejournos.ning over to the new site here (Thanks guys for setting it up. The spam in the old one *whistle*) Much more polished place here too ;) Anyway, I'm 25 and from Singapore (It is NOT in China *grins*) and have been writing since 2002. I got a lucky break into the world when a new magazine decided to start up here. I basically wrote for free and paid my dues with tons of writing until I finally became the only freelancer left on board still writing - after which they could afford to start paying me. Not much, but it was just gravy at the time. After that, it was mostly lucky breaks as well. A lot of talking, contact making and building, and now my MSN is bursting with PR contacts. I still don't think I'm fully doing what I want to do (Read: Contacts, contacts, contacts) but for now it's more than enough. I did a degree in journalism and have recently graduated, using the money I've earned from various sites and papers to help me live an okay life so far. If you think it's tough out in the Outback Baldwin, try Singapore. Despite having some regional HQ's here like EA, it's tough as heck to get review copies for a place like us. ;) I had to miss this year's E3 (oh the humanity) due to other work scheduling conflicts, but I hope I'll get to catch up with you guys soon enough! |
![]() Hello, people. I don't think I've posted in here yet, so I better should. Let's see... I'm 16 years old and I've been into games ever since I was a little kid. Well, games and Cartoon Network (remember when CN was [i]good[/i]?). Started writing about games back when I was ten when blogs started getting big in my country. I maintained a childish gaming blog for a year, 'reviewing' games, posting big news and stuff like that. I actually had a pretty large following. Eventually I shut it down simply because I couldn't be bothered to post any more. On top of that my interest in games kind of died off in favour of music and movies. When I was 12 I joined a [i]Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy[/i] clan by the name of UFO (United Force Order). I still think that was one of the best things I've done in my life and it's a decision I'll never regret. As all of you know [i]Jedi Academy[/i] is a great game, but even great games can't stand the test of time when it comes to multiplayer. So, in November of 2008, we decided to shut the clan down after a number of unsuccessful migrations to other games and gaming platforms. I won't make the obligatory phoenix reference here, but UFO as a gaming website quite literally rose out of the ashes of UFO as a clan. Ever since then I've been in gaming journalism and I'm happy that things turned out the way they did. --- I guess that would be all. Please excuse any misspellings and stuff, it's still pretty early here where I live. |
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![]() Hi folks. I am the games columnist for the Daily Record newspaper in Glasgow. I took over the weekly column from Steve Lawson back in January 2008. The column goes live every Friday. I also put my reviews up online, and, if time permits, I try and post online exclusive reviews throughout the week. I have covered import games in the past, and, while all the AAA titles appear in the column, I like to try and feature smaller games which can easily slip through the net. I also have my independent gaming blog: http://kiltedmoose.blogspot.com/ where I cover games which interest me, with a strong emphasis on titles from the US and Japan. Favourite titles include: Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, Okami, and Shiren the Wanderer, while I also love my retro titles, especially old ZX Spectrum games such as Dun Darach, Heavy on the Magic, Sabre Wulf and Skool Daze. Xbox 360 Gamertag: Kilted Moose PS3 Network: Kilted_Moose |
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![]() New to the forums, signed up on request of Tom due to a post I made on Linked-In. Who am I? I’m a 28-year-old corporate journalist who enjoys the past times of gaming, including but not limited to video games, MMOs, Table Top RPGs, and other games. I’m a mother of one, a 10-year-old who shares an eerie addiction to gaming as well (he’s hooked to the Wii and Star Wars: The Saga). I have been playing online games for the past 10 years. Your name sounds familiar, why is that? Well, in addition to using Kayhynn as a moniker for forums, it has also been used for my characters in various games, including SWG, WoW and UO. In the past, I was a staffer for Stratics, serving as the WoW News Manager, PotBS Managing Editor, PR Coordinator and various other positions. I have also worked (or in many cases volunteered) for various other gaming sites through out the years. I am also one of the lead moderators for LFGComic forums. My nickname pops up in many locations. I currently volunteer with a recently launched game site, EOGamer.com, which covers MMOs as well as console games as we expand. EOGamer.com stands for Every Online Gamer. Check us out at www.eogamer.com or any of our subsites below l2.eogamer.com Lineage 2 site and very large wiki sci-fi.eogamer.com Our Sci-Fi News portal jumpgate.eogamer.com Our Jumpgate portal. I look forward to learning more about all of you! |
3 topics 9 posts
![]() Howdy! Been hovering around the boards for a few days now, and as you all seem like decent enough folk, I decided to take the plunge and introduce myself. My name's Jamin Smith, and I'm the senior editor over at AppGamer.net I've been writing about video games for about 5 years, and after a string of unsuccessful publications and blogs, I've finally found contentment writing about the increasingly popular world of iPhone games. Writing about games is only one side of my involvement in the games industry however; I've just graduated with a 2:1 in Computer Game Technology and hope to develop an iPhone game in the near future. I've been playing games for over 15 years, and have a collection spanning 22 consoles and around 600 games (pictures of part of my collection). With all that self promotion and needless bragging out the way, I look forward to becoming involved in this seemingly fantastic community. - Twitter: Jamln Gamertag: JAm1n X |
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![]() Goodmorning people. I'm Misha, currently living in Haarlem, the Netherlands. Born and raised somewhere in Super Mario World, ate a couple of mushrooms too much and it slapped me right out of that wacky world. Currently I'm writing for NewsMedia, a dutch publisher. In the past I've worked for the Power Unlimited, which is a big game-magazine here. After that I decided to do some marketing in the casual gamesindustry, which I'm still doing once a year (seriously, just once a year). Also, together with some friends I started a gamestore, franchising the hell out of GameMania. I discovered that working in a store is not my cup of tea (why does everybody thinks you know everything about a game? I have no idea how you complete 'Divagirls, Diva's on ice'!). After that, I focussed myself completeley on journalism. Anyhow, let's wrap it up and join me on PSN or Xbox LIVE! PSN: Teddy_Ducktape Xbox LIVE: TeddyDucktape |
1 topics 17 posts
![]() Hi everyone! We are Subsoap: an independent development studio. Our site is www.subsoap.com. We make both casual and core games for PC/Mac. Our latest big game is the recently released Faerie Solitaire. :) Brian |
1 topics 2 posts
![]() Hey there. Well I'm Paige and currently reside in Scotland. I guess one of the most interesting facts about me is that I'm 14 years old, so I'm probably one of the youngest people here, haha. I started playing video games from an early age - mostly due to my dad, and began writing some articles for worldofclans.com for a few months (they're offline now though since the site wants to focus on other areas). So while I was happily coming up with news articles for the site, the owner had been in touch with a journalist named Kirsten Kearney (Frag Dolls, 360 Gamer mag etc.) and had put in a mention for me. In the long run, this ended up with me writing for ready-up.net. Now that's a site that's really going full steam ahead! Anyway I mainly did features for them in a form of blog, with the second priority being the ocassional review. I wrote for them for around one year before some contracts were brought into the system, and apparently my age meant I couldn't write for them anymore. That was a big blow for me since I enjoyed writing there, and it was my first chance really - my age being the problem didn't make things any sweeter in my eyes. So with quite a heavy heart you could say, I set off looking for work on other sites after a month or so. I'm now doing reviews for 4 sites - resolution-magazine.co.uk (Lewis posted here earlier), play2compete.com, vi.deoga.me.uk + honestgamers.com - I've almost finished my first review of Sam + Max Save The World for them. In short, I've been doing pretty well since my departure from Ready Up. While I'm primarily doing reviews now, I do sometimes have ideas for features, but honestly the amount of reviews keep me busy enough right now! I've been trying to promote myself a bit more with the hope of perhaps getting paid to do what I enjoy so much. But of course, my age doesn't come into the equation and I do feel it holds me back unfortunately... As for this site, I'm glad the select few took the time to make it as I had been over at Video Games Journos and the spam was beginning to get unbearable. Plus this is more attractive, and it appears to be a lot more active. Paige |
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![]() Paige, It's legal stuff. You've to be 16 to do anything but basic cash-in-hand work. Unfortunately, it's unlikely anyone will risk comissioning you unless you're older than that. You can, of course, continue to offer voluntary services to various places, which I hope you'll keep doing for Reso, as you've a lot of promise. I didn't know about the Ready Up situation. That's a shame. I thought it was all run on a non-profit basis? Are they commissioning writers now? Er. I have an idea, though, which I'm about to email you with. |
![]() Yeah I know, and of course I'll be sticking with Reso. Thanks. I'm pretty sure they're still running it on a non-profit basis, they didn't really tell me much about how I couldn't agree to the terms. They basically just said that I couldn't because of my age - the contract was just concerning copyright and such though... Oh right, I haven't had an email from you yet. But I'll keep a look-out for it. |
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