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![]() Hi Everyone So I've only been in the industry since August 2009 so I'm still learning the ropes as it were. I got into writing a year ago last week. I used to review games and send them out newsletter style to people on my friends lists on Xbox Live and PSN. I soon got a little following of over 250 people and I decided that I wanted to work for a legitimate website. This lead me to getting a position at BeefJack (www.beefjack.com). I'm playing quite a few games at the moment, Bayonetta, Darksiders, the list go's on. I think this site could be a great way to network and if people want to contact me directly through this site then please do. I've included my Xbox Gamertag below so feel free to add me. Xbox Live Gamertag - HiMyNameIsMac |
0 topics 1 posts
![]() Hey everyone. Name's Anthony Accinelli (as you can probably already see). I'm an up and coming videogame journalist who is very, very tired of the media bias reviews. So, rather than write for them, decided to join up with a few videogame buddies who are in the industry and create my own website! Very excited to be part of the industry now and also a part of the gameleon community! Will hopefully be posting to this often and will chat with you all soon! |
1 topics 2 posts
Hey my name is Justin Heames and I come from a tiny little known village in the West Midlands(thats in England in case anyones unsure). I originally became interested in games journalism about a year ago, although i've been a gamer all my life. I tried to get my foot on the ladder but to be honest I had no real idea what I was doing. I began writing blog style articles(what I call my 'opinion pieces') and reviewing the games in my collection, partly as practice and partly so I had some kind of portfolio. To cut a long stoy short this eventually led nowhere and I was forced to move onto other things in pursuit of a career, things that to tell the truth my heart just wasn't in. So less than a year later I was back to this. This time I'm doing it properly, I currently write for thegamershub.co.uk under the screen name of Juzzo9010 and I'm hoping to find some work for a bigger website or even, god willing, a publishing house at some point in the not too distant future(voluntary if need be). So yeah that about covers it. If you want to contact me for what ever reason you can do it through this site, or by emailing me at j_heames@live.com. Thanks for reading. |
4 topics 6 posts
![]() I'm not strictly in the industry per say, but I do own and run a fan site for Eskil Steenberg's game, Love. Anyway, I'm a 21 year old guy that's still at university, studying for a BA in Digital Arts, I'm not a particularly strong writer so I'm hoping my future's hidden somewhere in the myriad of skills I'm currently learning. |
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![]() Hello i am Callum, i have been writing for a number of Nintendo sites since 2008, so know about to how to write and run one. I am know website admin for UK Gaming, a site that aims and hopes to grow. |
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![]() Hey Guys we are always looking for original writers for our site .We are an up and coming (hopefully) console gaming site. Anyway the name is Paddy, from Galway, Ireland. I live in the UK presently. I do not write myself but own a site called GamezBox.com .ie .co.uk , whichever. We are trying to build the site up but lack originality in the form of original content.None of us are proffessionals at this game and what we have built up to date, we did ourselves. Sometimes i feel like giving up as i feel i am out of my league somewhat but i would never just close the site down as there are a few numbers on there that have helped bring us to where it is today. I recieve first party titles from Sony Ireland to which i pass these on to the one and only writer we have, and a very good one he is may i add, Pad'r. Microsoft have since put me down on their mailing list to receive promotional material from this year . We are trying to break into the irish scene in gaming but without proffessional guidance it will be hard so i feel we need to make our own name but that will come in time if we are ever going to be a trustworthy reliable site. After all rome was not built in a day ... Anyway guys, nice to say hello to you all and heres hoping we meet around the forum. What am i letting myself in for here ?? lol.. I wouldn't write to save my life yet i come here amongst a load of people who can write..perhaps you guys can give me some tips and maybe one day i could learn to write my own articles.. Regards Paddy. |
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![]() Hello everybody, My name is Anthony Teixeira, I'm working for Active Gaming Media, a game localization company who took care of some cool games such as Demon's Souls. Besides our business, one of our goals is to spread the word about game localization and let gamers know a bit about our work, especially things like "why does it take so long to translate games?". Well, if some of you are interested in localization processes, feel free to contact me, I'll be glad to answer your questions! |
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![]() Hi guys, I am czech videogame journalist, but I live in US (TN). At this very time I am writing for hrej.cz and fakeeverest.cz (which I founded). In past I have written for czech mutation of OXM. That's all I guess, anyway I am glad to join gameleon network. |
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Hey folks, just been invited to test out this Beta version of the site. Looks good. I am currently the content director for pixel-fury.co.uk. A fairly new blog that aims to bring all the latest news, reviews, rumours and previews. If anyone out there fancies writing voluntarily for the site, then please let me know. I'm doing it all at the moment and I don't think thats doing the site any favours. If you fancy writing any game related articles, want to publish your opinions and ideas then feel free, the more to read the better. check it out www.pixel-fury.co.uk. Thanks for reading and hope to catch you all networking on here soon. Paul |
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![]() So.. Yea. Hi, I'm Shaine and I'm a game-a-holic, Oh? Where not doing that here.. Ok... Let's see.. I'm from Arrland. I'm in a podcast, "Bit-Speak, Geekcast" I'm one of the Co-Hosts. I'm an avid gamer. I guess I'm a nerd of sorts. And I like to you the title "General Bullshiter".(which I am as well, I guess.) |
0 topics 1 posts