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The 'Hello Everyone' Topic
Chris Evans wrote over 14 years ago
Hello everyone, I am Chris Evans, a writer from rainy Cardiff in the UK. I started writing about games a fair few years ago on and went on to make some appearences on 411mania before moving on to my own ventures. I started a Command and Conquer fan site which sadly didn't last long, but followed on to set up my current site The Reticule. The Reticule has been running since 2008 and recently went through a major revamp. Still finding my way around this place so forgive me if I don't make my prescence felt too much. Good to meet you all, Chris |
0 topics 1 posts
Patrick Stutzenburg wrote over 14 years ago
Hey Guys, My name is Patrick Stutzenburg and I'm from the wonderful state of new jersey. I started out as a journalist early last summer and I'm now gotten into Social Media work. I'm also a web designer, I look forward to working with all of you eventually. If you would like to add me onto skype my skype username is geekgamington. If you would like to add me onto XBL my gamertag is patrickvgradmin. Patrick |
Guy Blomberg wrote over 14 years ago, Modified over 14 years ago
Hmmm, very interesting website and idea, I look forward to seeing it grow! My name is Guy Blomberg, but in the games industry I'm better known as YUG. These days I'm probably best known as the owner and creator of the video game cocktail bar - the Mana Bar. Along with my business partners (and yes, that includes Yahtzee Croshaw) we opened the first in Brisbane, Australia just over a year ago, and I'm currently living in Melbourne, Australia about to open our second one. That takes up a majority of my time these days, but prior to all this crazy drinking and gaming, I was a games jornalist ... who pretty much just did alot of drinking and gaming :) I'm also the creator and owner of the website, I was *this close* to getting a gaming TV show called Game Damage off the ground after two filmed pilots. My background is as a web graphic designer for over a decade, and with these skillsets I have designed hundreds of sites over the years, everything from porn to political, night clubs to health clubs, casinos to corporate design. However, due to my reputation in the gaming industry, I was able to combine my core skillset and do such things as: * Work at gaming developer AURAN creating box art and manual design * Work at SEGA Creative Assembly as a U.I.Designer, then Community Manager, and then LEAD the pitch team for their next XB360/PS3 title. * Consult for the Queensland and Victorian Government regarding the representation of Australian game developers at international events such as GDC. I'm quite passionate about local developers, and have had a strong hand in the independant gaming scene, to the point where I've given talks about getting into the industry and at alot of tertiary educations around Australia. I also have done alot of stage work, either MC'ing for larger events (eGames, DEVELOP, GameOn) or hosting specific talks (GCAP, QANTM, IGDA). That's a quick summary I think, there might be more to add but to be honest, I'm terribly hungover right now, so I'll re-read this later in the afternoon :) |
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Leena Van Deventer wrote over 14 years ago
Good to see you here, Yuggles. :) |
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Matthew Hewson wrote over 14 years ago
I agree Leena, More aussies the better! |
0 topics 3 posts
Ingvi Snædal wrote over 14 years ago, Modified over 14 years ago
Holy flying spaghetti monster, the Aussies are taking over the place! Just kidding, I love Aussies. The accent is adorable. :) My name is Ingvi Steinn Steinsson Snædal and I dare any one of you to try and say that three times, fast. I hail from a relatively big island in the North Atlantic with a tiny population. I am, of course, referring to Iceland, and before you ask, we don't live in igloos, there are no penguins, and yes, we have thirteen Santa Clauses. I got into videogame journalism in late December 2009 and have been loving every minute of it. I'm currently studying English at a University in Denmark and aim to minor in Media Studies. After that, I plan on doing a masters degree in Media Studies and try to get into the industry on a professional level. I've been a gamer since the age of seven, and my first game was an 8 bit platformer called Secret Agent. I've played everything I could get my hands on ever since, but my favorite game of all time is Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars. There's just something about the narrative and characters that makes me want to play it on an annual basis. These days, I play a lot of Mount&Blade, which is thoroughly deserving of my affections. In 2010, an opportunity presented itself to me to be on the editorial team at Hooked Gamers, and I've held the position of Executive Editor there for a year now. Love the team and the atmosphere there. If you'd care to game sometime, by PSN ID, and Steam ID, is "Mr.Expendable". Look forward to seeing you guys. |
0 topics 1 posts
Brandy Miller wrote over 14 years ago, Modified over 14 years ago
Hi, I'm Brandy Miller. I am the Game Administration Assistant at Infinite Possibility Games (, which loosely translated means that I provide support and assistance to my husband as he works to develop his games. I got introduced to gaming as a child, but didn't start getting really involved in the gaming world until about 1996, when Mindscape released the title Creatures. Fell in love with those artificial life forms and played both C2 and C3 until The Sims came out and the rest is history. I have worked as a marketing assistant and graphic designer and have taken coursework in game design and development. I am working with my husband on doing the marketing and graphic design for IPG. I look forward to meeting everyone :) We live in Elko, NV with our 15 year old son. |
1 topics 3 posts
Warren Chi wrote over 14 years ago
Hello all, I'm Warren and I am one of the founders of XJacKer. I'm not a journalist, but have been an avid gamer since I was a kid. My first two gaming systems were a TI-994A and a Vectrex, though these days I'm primarily on the 360 (Gamertag: HeadsetAmp). Aside from XJacKer, I've also been a web designer/developer for about 16 years now, and before that I was a graphic designer. Hoping to meet some interesting people to chat about the history and future of gaming with. Talk to y'all soon! |
0 topics 5 posts
Brandon Mullins wrote over 14 years ago
Hello, I'm Brandon and I like long walks on the beach, moon lit nights and consuming mass quantities of video games. I also dig science fiction, old time radio, british comedy and stuff in the public domain. Visit my site at |
1 topics 1 posts
Aaron Meehan wrote over 14 years ago
Hi all, I'm Aaron from Dublin,Ireland and I just recently joined here. I run sggaminginfo which is a small gaming blog I setup originally as something to pass the time but I really got into it and now I am really enjoying games journalism. I look forward to getting to know you guys and out of curiosity any other Irish people here? If you want to check out my site it is it is not the best site in the world but I like it. |
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