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Patrik Krejci wrote over 15 years ago
Greetings everyone, As a few others on here, I'm a new recruit with The Gamer Studio's journalism school, and as such have no real experience with video game journalism. Nevertheless I am excited about the experience this will give me, and the people I will have the opportunity of meeting. As a fellow gamer I too have been playing games ever since I can remember. My father had a keen interest in the technological developments of the late 80s and as such I was able to use my first computer at the age of 3. As I grew older I became more interested and involved in the professional gaming scene of timeless games such as Counter-Strike and WC3. In recent years I have prioritized my interest with online competetive gaming, and will continue to do so in the future. My vivid interest in games, with the addition of my recent degree in Politics and International Relations have the potential of opening up gaming journalism to me. As a result I decided to apply or the journalism school which TGS has offered and I am enthusiastic about what I can learn and achieve. I look forward to hearing and co-operating with fellow enthusiasts and game journalists. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to ask me any questions or merely send a friendly greeting my way. Regards, Patrik Krejci |
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David Bruno wrote over 15 years ago, Modified over 15 years ago
Hey Patrick, if you haven't already, you might want to check out -Cheers |
Ben Marshall wrote over 15 years ago, Modified over 15 years ago
Hey guys, I'm Ben I really haven't got much to put about my games journalism side of things here, as I'm still pretty young, and I haven't done anywhere near as much stuff as most of you. But I'll write what I can!
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Andy Hodgetts wrote over 15 years ago
Hello. I'm Andy. You may have seen my games in the bargain bins of your local Asda or perhaps on the EBay account of a disappointed child. |
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Eric Bailey wrote over 14 years ago
Hello everyone! Eric "Nintendo Legend" Bailey here, a lifetime (received NES as a birthday gift from grandmother when I turned 3, which seems ridiculous in hindsight) gamer with an admitted bias towards Nintendo consoles, but recognizing of Wii's shortcomings and can hold my own in an FPS fragfest if I must. I have no real journalistic experience to speak of, especially as concerns gaming, though I have been freelance writing for a while (a "while" being almost a year) part-time and am only now beginning to explore how my interests in writing and retro gaming can intersect, my website being a key part of this experience. Always on the look-out for networking opportunities, tips, good reads, good leads, and solid retro-gaming conversations. |
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Adam Dodd wrote over 14 years ago
Hey all! I'm a writer of the film and games persuasion who's just trying to climb to the top of the games journo ladder. It's a long, arduous climb. A little about me: I'm madly in love with all things horror, I fancy myself a decent feature writer (versus news and reviews, which I also enjoy), I like crabs (the good kind), long walks on the beach, and I'm a longtime toast enthusiast. And if anyone's interested in playing with an average skilled player my gamertag's BabyColada. Don't judge. |
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James Mak wrote over 14 years ago
Hey Guys and Gals. My name is James and I'm so glad to have found a really cool network that is all about video games. Did I mention that I also love writing? Well I do, and when you combine writing and video games you can count on the fact that I will be all over that (Holy crap that rhymed!). Other than my love of writing, video games, sports and women, I just love art. I'm not talking about doodling, I am currently an aspiring artist ready to tackle my next masterpiece, whenever I decide that i'm done procrastinating. So don't be alarmed if I start talking about color theories! The real reason why I'm here; I have been out of high school for 2 years and now that college is coming around I've been starting to get a bit scared about all the writing I'll probably have to do. So my brilliant plan was to surround myself with writers, and then the plan got even more brilliant when I put the word 'game' in front of 'writers' and so this is how I got here. Really though If anyone is looking for a writer for their blog or website, I'll do some free volunteer work, just to work on my writing. Just send me a message or email to! |
0 topics 3 posts
Leena Van Deventer wrote over 14 years ago
Greetings all, I'm Leena, from Melboure, Australia. I've always fancied myself a good waffler and au fait with those word things, but it wasn't until earlier this year I decided to smash that interest together against my other love in a rough hewn manner. The result is and a crush on writing about games. I'm now the Indie Games Section Editor for Resolution Magazine in the UK, and the games correspondent for Tech Talk Radio here in Melbourne. Along with freelancing here and there. I've had my reviews and articles published in (Fairfax's) The Age Screen Play blog (twice),,, and have articles upcoming for 7bitarcade, and Digital Gaudium. At the moment I'm a stay at home mum, so freelancing is suiting me really well time management wise. Having no university qualifications my earning power is quite limited and there isn't a lot out there that could cover child care in order for me to go back to full time work. I hope to one day write for a living but realise it's a long way away, and I'll probably have to wait until I have school aged kids to try and live that dream. So for now it's plugging away mostly unpaid and getting some experience, a pool of work under me, networking, and jumping in the deep end until I'm able to kick it up a notch. It's great to find networks such as this and I really look forward to getting to know you all. :) The sharing of experiences and giving of advice is one of the great acts of charity we have left, and having an easy place to have that exchange is going to make everyone better for it. Cheers! |
0 topics 4 posts
Andrew M wrote over 14 years ago
Joanne Kendrick wrote over 14 years ago
Hey everyone! :) I'm Jo, just thought I'd say hello, errrm about me, I write/blog for Ready Up, and I'm working on putting up my own personal blog at the moment. I love gaming (of course), favourite genres are horror, RPGs and First Person Shooters. Stumbled across this site and decided to put up a tent. |
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