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Hi guys,

As I've just joined I thought I'd introduce myself. After writing for a print publication in Leeds called "the Met" I moved to Scotland and at present write for a website called Square-Go. You can find my work at

I also write for The Skinny and you can find my work in their print publication or on under the Digital section.



1 topics   8 posts
I just put up a review of Far Cry on DVD. Yeah, a movie based on the game... by Uwe Boll... and it wasn't terrible! SHOCKING!

0 topics   1 posts
I have written over 700 articles at, mostly opinionated analytical pieces based on over 30 years in the industry. There are lots of predictions in there as I try and see where the technology is taking us.

Here is a prediction from August 2007 about what Apple would do:

Then I could see that we were headed for a glut of gesture interfaces and wrote this (also in 2007):

With piracy I have been personally involved a fair deal so wrote a fairly comprehensive overview:

More recently I have been looking at the impact stereoscopic 3D will have:

And today I wrote about how important the Nintendo Vitality Sensor could be:

Also there are quite literally dozens of articles about the stupidity of politicians and most of the mass media journalists towards games.

10 topics   15 posts
An in-depth preview of Quantic Dream's upcoming film noir thriller Heavy Rain:

1 topics   8 posts
I write the press releases for a new indie games studio, and frankly I'm pretty sure it shows that we don't have any professional writers on the team :P I'd appreciate the wisdom of this forum to give some feedback ...

Here's the latest about Train Conductor (coming out on tomorrow, Friday 18th)

I'd really love some constructive feedback about our tone of voice, our rather bold choice to tout the game as the next big hit and whether its covering enough, or not enough (there's certainly plenty of gameplay we didn't talk about etc).

0 topics   3 posts
My preview work on Brink.

Will post some reviews later on

0 topics   3 posts
Simon Joslin wrote...
I write the press releases for a new indie games studio, and frankly I'm pretty sure it shows that we don't have any professional writers on the team :P I'd appreciate the wisdom of this forum to give some feedback ...

Here's the latest about Train Conductor (coming out on tomorrow, Friday 18th)
Hey simon, I have seen your new game and looks very good. I can´t wait to see the game on my ipod. Good luck with the release. 
See you.

1 topics   3 posts
Hey simon, I have seen your new game and looks very good. I can´t wait to see the game on my ipod. Good luck with the release. 
See you.
Thanks! Its now available in New Zealand! ...  they're gifted by timezones :D so wherever you are it must be less than 24 hours till you can get it 

We have a couple review copies left, so hit me up at if you'd like the chance to review it for your publication.
Press kit is here: Train Conductor, the next hit iPhone game, arrives in the App Store on Friday, December 18.

0 topics   3 posts
My latest review, Saw for the Xbox 360

0 topics   2 posts
I did a pretty brutal review of Tony Hawk RIDE that I enjoyed writing.

Let's just say that the Activision PR person hasn't replied to my latest email yet :P

0 topics   11 posts
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Moderators: Tom