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inFAMOUS review. Tell me what you think!

0 topics   9 posts
I rarely get to write anymore when it comes to my work for TGR, so let me know what you think

Madden 10 Preview

1 topics   11 posts
Just put up a long musing on my Destructoid blog - if you've got time to read it, any comments would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

0 topics   5 posts
I finished my Wii Sports Resort review yesterday, really went to town on it. I thought it was maybe too long at five pages, but it's had some great feedback already, I'd like to know what my peers think of it too. =)

0 topics   1 posts
As some others have stated, I'm far too tired to go through posting links to various sites so I'll just link my portfolio -

Feedback is always welcome. The portfolio is thin on the ground as it was only recently established. I'm having a great deal of trouble finding my own personal archives, so a lot of the articles are ones that I am having to find manually on various websites -_- Oh the drudgery of it all >

0 topics   1 posts
Completely by accident, managed to do the world's first review of East India Company over at Reso today. Followed within hours by more, but still.

It's a good game, actually, you should totally check it out:

8 topics   62 posts
You like it a lot more than I do Lewis...

0 topics   4 posts
It's one of those that I could totally see a lot of people not getting on with at all. It makes a lot of real rookie errors, and is often very clumsy. Yet I found myself totally hooked for the two solid days I played for the review. Every time I tabbed out to do something else, I found myself wanting to get straight back into it.

8 topics   62 posts
Thing is, I love games like this and was very excited by what I saw at E3. It just didn't hold my interest for very long. My review should be on Crispy Gamer sometime tomorrow.

0 topics   4 posts
Posted a blog entry about this, but I'll throw it here too - a review/rant of King of Fighters XII on my Destructoid c-blog, link as follows:

If you can take the time to give it a read, please let me know what you think. Thanks much.

0 topics   5 posts
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Moderators: Tom