gamrfeed.vgchartz.com —
Playable Taliban fighters, an upcoming Supreme Court case, and the endless debates on whether games are art. With all these discussions and controversies we may sometimes forget what it is about gaming that draws us to it, and more importantly, what it is that keeps us here.
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gamersguidetolife.com —
Gamer's Guide to Life.com, May 2010 - Linford Butler opens his Context Error series with a look at the Doctor Who Adventure Games and discusses the reasons why he's looking forward to the upcoming BBC free-to-play titles.
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gamrfeed.vgchartz.com —
An editorial discussing the vicious cycle of developers releasing games not ready for commercial distribution and the gamers that let it happen by buying the games anyway. A call to gamers to stop accepted half-completed products.
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ontothenextgame.com —
When I think back on a film such as "Oldboy" and the way it managed to paint a false belief before my eyes, a question came to mind: why hasn’t the gaming medium made more of an effort to exploit our expectations much in the same way as this film has?
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editorials.myinsidegamer.com —
Many people have been getting up in arms over the overuse of the word “bitch” in Rocksteady’s latest hit, Arkham City. Is this justified? Definitely not. And before you bring your arms back up and wildly call me out on my misogynistic ways and not knowing the woman’s struggle: I’m female too.
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