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Whom Do You Represent?
I regularly write for The Escapist, GamesRadar, Cheat Code Central, Gamezebo, and IGN's Green Pixels on a freelance basis. Reviews, features, and occasional previews are my bread and butter, though I also have written columns for some of these sites in the past and currently write a few columns at present. I've got work coming out in a big print mag later this year, and possibly others, but that's hush-hush at the moment.

6 topics   34 posts
  • I write/volunteer for:
  • My position is: Community Manager/PR-Coordinator/Editor
  • A little about my company: EOGamer, ApS., provides news, guides, interviews and information that gamers want, catering to the gaming community as a whole.  EOGamer covers MMOs, but also goes beyond the MMO genre, including gaming portals about tabletop gaming, FPSes, F2P, P2P, browser games, consoles and more.  EOGamer was founded by several well-known gaming community members that were staff at other well-known MMO-sites. Incorporating both new and experienced staff, EOGamer strives to provide the best content in gaming news, guides, wikis and databases.
What pays my bills:
  • I write/web admin for clients for: Newslink
  • My position is: Corporate Journalist/Web Administrator
  • A little about my company: We produce newsletters for corporations nationally and internationally, including BNSF, UP, CSX, Kelloggs, Amtrak and many other corporations.

3 topics   9 posts
I work for:
My position is: Owner & Writer
I own the whole site, am in charge of operations, new staff and making sure all the writers get their work turned in weekly. The site has had great success in the five short months that it's been around.

0 topics   1 posts
I work for: The MMO Gamer (TMMOG)
My position is: Owner & Editor-in-ChiefA little about my company: The MMO Gamer is an independent online magazine focusing on covering the MMOG industry. Our area of expertise have become event coverage and interviews. It was founded in 2007 and has slowly but steadily grown and carved itself a nich in the MMOG media.


0 topics   5 posts
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Moderators: Tom