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I win out against Evony in Australia
As they withdraw their case against me part way through the trial.

The Guardian says:

Ars Technica says:

I would like to thank everyone who has supported me through this.

10 topics   15 posts
Good to see this story of an American-registered games company suing a British blogger in an Australian court coming to an end. I don't know if it's appropriate to congratulate you with this, but if so: congrats!

5 topics   52 posts
Yes, I can't decide whether to congratulate you or not either, what an awful situation to have to go through.
"The fact that he admitted—to a judge in court—his intention to mislead people with the press release, as well as his comments to Ars about not claiming to have a degree, casts doubts about his credibility to say the least." - Blimey!
Well done for pulling through!

1 topics   17 posts
Bruce I've got to ask, why have you got Evony II ads on your site now?

0 topics   20 posts
I'm really pleased for you Bruce. For what it is worth, I wrote to our MP and got a reply that he would take this to the relevant people, including the Home Office etc. - didn't get any follow up other than that, but then again my local MP didn't show up for #debill either, so that tells you a lot.

Glad it is all over for you - *raises glass*

2 topics   3 posts

Moderators: Tom