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Jack Baldwin wrote...
Nice work James, very pro-looking.
'Go write about it on your facebook' I lolled.

Thanks, were moving slow right now because the lead animatior is very addicted to the Sims 3, lol. Though in about a week or so we should be pushing out another show a website, and some web comics! I'll make a thread once we get the ball rolling a bit faster and post our stuff in there for everyone to check out!

Thanks again

0 topics   2 posts
I write it all in Dutch, but for who is interested:

My work on Insidegamer: (Don't mind the first part, the work started to be better from Fallout 3)

My work on has to be found manually, but here is the link:

2 topics   72 posts
One some people might be interested in: I interview Introversion over at Gamasutra:

8 topics   62 posts

1 topics   11 posts
I'm gonna post a few of ours from Sci-Fi month, which is this month at EOGamer

Interview with a CEO: Suddenly Ninjas:
Meet the Squad: The 57th Midnight Squadron:
Spy Battle: Browser Based Game Review:
Phantasy Star of Yesteryear: The First Console MMO:

Or just visit for all stuff we've done since June 1.


3 topics   9 posts
Here are a few articles where I tried to cover the subject fairly comprehensively.

German Cultural Vandalism is about censorship, the ignorance of non gamers, school shootings and violent games.

Game piracy is an immense problem that is under addressed by the media. Online theft is the biggest orgy of stealing in the history of the human race.

There is this look at where gesture interfaces have come from:

Netbooks and mobile phones are going to be the biggest gaming platforms. Already there are 40 million iPod/iPhones compared with 30 million Xbox 360s.
This is about where netbooks are going:
And iPhones:

I have written several articles on game development.
This is about polish:
And some points I wanted to make:

Finally a look at game marketing, something that is much misunderstood:

10 topics   15 posts
Here is my comical editorial on how to turn someone into a gamer. The first of many articles of


Simon Weatherall
Assistant Editor
3 topics   35 posts
I've started a bit of a series at the spiffing Resolution Magazine, called Good Things About Bad Games. Essentially, lots of mediocre games often have one or two really clever or interesting elements that always go overlooked because those games are usually dismissed as just being plain bad. I want to try and draw attention to the things bad games do well.

So for starters, I picked the infamous Kane & Lynch: Dead Men.

Check it out, don't hesitate to leave a comment.

0 topics   8 posts
A Boy and his Blueberry - A critical comparison of design features in Noby Noby Boy and Bleberry Garden, my first article for the site.

0 topics   3 posts
I do a video show called Vertical Slice ( where I aim to provide lighthearted coverage of gaming news and culture and promote things from the British industry as and when I can.

Sadly the hardest things are: getting people to see it, getting enough people to see it so I can make money from it and expand operations to 5 shows a week with more staff than just myself!

0 topics   3 posts
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Moderators: Tom