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Discuss and share thoughts and interests is up for sale.
Hi guys,

Back in February I Iaunched Allegedly Speaking while I was laid off for a few months.  Now that I am back to work, I can not dedicate the time needed to make the site as succesfull as it could be.  I'd really like to go back to running a personal blog, and podcast as it does not require the commitment a fully functioning site does.

The site started off pretty decent, averaging 30,000 to 35,000 uniques in the first 3 months.  It's suffered since I've been back to work though and traffic has dropped 50% over the last 3 months.

Anyway, I'm not looking for a ton of cash,  Check out the site at and make an offer.  We currently have 6 writers on staff, 39 members signed up, forums, and a weekly podcast.  I have no numbers for the podcast as I still have not figured out how to get the subscriber numbers from Itunes:(.  We have established relationships with Sega, Southpeak, Ignition, EA, Dice, 38 Studios, Square Enix, Paramount, Real TIme Worlds, and a few others that I would also turn over to whoever takes the site.  As I modified the hell out of the theme, and set up the datebase and SEO, I'd be more than willing to hang around for a month or so to help out on the back end.  There is also 3 months left of paid hosting from Godaddy.

I would also be willing to consider a partnership of sorts.  If someone would be willing to come in and take over daily operations on the site I would retain ownership and all financial obligations.  If succesfull in growing the site, this person would earn a percentage of ownership over time until he or she is ready to buy me out.

Of course I would prefer to just sell the site, but am willing to consider any options you guys might have as I do not want to see the hundreds of hours of work I put into the site be for nothing.

Nathan Schmidt
Owner & Operator

1 topics   2 posts
It seems a shame that all you don't have the time to run the site. If it was me, I wouldn't be so quick to disassociate myself and get rid, after all, you did found the site. Have you considered all your options?


Simon Weatherall
Assistant Editor
3 topics   35 posts
It seems a shame that all you don't have the time to run the site. If it was me, I wouldn't be so quick to disassociate myself and get rid, after all, you did found the site. Have you considered all your options?
We're discussing a few different options outside of selling the site outright.  Bringing someone in to manage the day to day operations is something we're looking in to as well.

1 topics   2 posts
Personally I would be careful. You need someone with the same drive that you had when you started the site. Otherwise the person could potentially damage what you have all worked hard on.


Simon Weatherall
Assistant Editor
3 topics   35 posts
Personally I would be careful. You need someone with the same drive that you had when you started the site. Otherwise the person could potentially damage what you have all worked hard on.
I appreciate the suggestion, no worries though.  I'm being carefull:)

1 topics   2 posts

Moderators: Tom