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New Push Start Site Design.(looking for at least 5 comments!)
Hi Christian,

First of all congrats on being cool enough to except some constructive criticism on your site. I just took a look at the new template you guys put up and have to agree with Ben, it or a variation of it is used on a lot of sites. If you want to use that template it's fine, but the key is to modify it to the point where it becomes something original to your site.

Second, and I don't mean to be harsh here, the logo is god-awful. "Push Start" actually looks good and stands out very well. "" should not have the same line effect though, and the kerning between the letters needs to be adjusted. Your tag line's font is hard to read alone, but impossible with that drop shadow. Personally I would switch the font, and drop the opacity of the drop shadow to 30-35, but no higher than 40.  The logo is super important as 9 times out of 10 your visitors eyes will be drawn there first.

Third, your featured image should be the same width as the rest of your content
. This is a pretty easy fix and can be done using Dreamweaver and opening the themes style.css file. You may want to adjust the margin-top, and margin-bottom values as well as there is a 20px; margin between your header and featured image, while there is no margin between it and the main content.

I hope this helps, and if you would like any assistance shoot me an email at Below are two sites I recently worked on. The first is Allegedly Speaking in which I heavily modified the Source WP theme, and the second is a budget site I created for a start-up business.

4 topics   14 posts
In your big rotating images, you should ditch the ajax (or whatever it is) pop-up text. Go with text on the images only: it's more customizable, and images that have text anyway won't be so jumbled. Either that... or make sure no images have text.

edit.: While I wouldn't call the logo 'god-awful', it does need some work. Lose the shadow behind your tagline, ditch the, and if you have an artist around (or are good yourself), slap a logo up there somewhere if it fits. Red on white are very opposing, and it makes it pretty hard to read. Considering 1 in 3 males have some degree of color-blindness, and red is most often the culprit, you should consider trying to make the background either less white or the red clearer to read. You may want to use a very subtle gray for the background (i.e., #cccccc) instead of white, that way the red is easier on the eyes.

Hope something in there helps

1 topics   9 posts
Overall in general view website is looking fantastic. Nice and light look. Lineaments are impressive. The problem as far i dig out is with the text your have written under "Push-Start" Logo: "All at the push of the button" First you should turn off the shadow's if not then lower down the blend option. Because its easy to read "Push-start" but when it comes to try to read All at the push of the button", it makes some trouble. As far as a appropriate design concern.

0 topics   1 posts
Love it, it looks sleek and easy to use. Great looking frontpage, I can see all the latest news about a few of the latest games on there. I would work on getting a bigger and nicer looking logo, my eyes had a hard time finding it and usually a logo needs to catch your attention in the first couple of seconds.

0 topics   3 posts
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