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Claudio Rossi wrote over 16 years ago
0 topics 9 posts
John Laster wrote over 16 years ago, Modified over 16 years ago
I rarely get to write anymore when it comes to my work for TGR, so let me know what you think Madden 10 Preview |
1 topics 11 posts
Craig Gabrielsen wrote over 16 years ago, Modified over 16 years ago
Just put up a long musing on my Destructoid blog - if you've got time to read it, any comments would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. |
0 topics 5 posts
Nathan Whincup wrote over 16 years ago, Modified over 16 years ago
I finished my Wii Sports Resort review yesterday, really went to town on it. I thought it was maybe too long at five pages, but it's had some great feedback already, I'd like to know what my peers think of it too. =) |
0 topics 1 posts
Matthew Spratt wrote over 15 years ago, Modified over 15 years ago
As some others have stated, I'm far too tired to go through posting links to various sites so I'll just link my portfolio - Feedback is always welcome. The portfolio is thin on the ground as it was only recently established. I'm having a great deal of trouble finding my own personal archives, so a lot of the articles are ones that I am having to find manually on various websites -_- Oh the drudgery of it all > |
0 topics 1 posts
Lewis Denby wrote over 15 years ago
Completely by accident, managed to do the world's first review of East India Company over at Reso today. Followed within hours by more, but still. It's a good game, actually, you should totally check it out: |
Troy Goodfellow wrote over 15 years ago
You like it a lot more than I do Lewis... |
0 topics 4 posts
Lewis Denby wrote over 15 years ago
It's one of those that I could totally see a lot of people not getting on with at all. It makes a lot of real rookie errors, and is often very clumsy. Yet I found myself totally hooked for the two solid days I played for the review. Every time I tabbed out to do something else, I found myself wanting to get straight back into it. |
Troy Goodfellow wrote over 15 years ago
Thing is, I love games like this and was very excited by what I saw at E3. It just didn't hold my interest for very long. My review should be on Crispy Gamer sometime tomorrow. |
0 topics 4 posts
Craig Gabrielsen wrote over 15 years ago
Posted a blog entry about this, but I'll throw it here too - a review/rant of King of Fighters XII on my Destructoid c-blog, link as follows: If you can take the time to give it a read, please let me know what you think. Thanks much. |
0 topics 5 posts