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Games you're ashamed you never played
I never played WoW and I'm not ashamed of it.

3 topics   31 posts
It's totally something I should get round to playing, definitely.

8 topics   62 posts
Final Fantasy VII

I get so much flak for missing this game, but I just don't have the patience to sit through 99 hours of FF game play.


 Devin Di Nardo | Founder / Host for Lifebar: Video Game Radio
2 topics   7 posts
Sylvano Witte wrote...
I never played WoW and I'm not ashamed of it.

I didn't say you should be ashamed, but I most certainly think it's irresponsible of anyone who calls themself a game journalist to have not played WoW considering the effect it has had on MMOGs and gaming at large.

1 topics   33 posts
I just finally managed to tear myself away from WoW after several years. Gave it up and popped right back into FFXI. MMOs kill my productivity.

0 topics   4 posts
I've never played Maffia. And Starcraft. I've watched it a lot and know everything about zerg rushes, but somehow I've never played it.

1 topics   17 posts
I've never played a Zelda game, but I will amend this one day.

1 topics   17 posts
Emily Knox wrote...
I've never played a Zelda game, but I will amend this one day.

You really should be ashamed of that!

3 topics   31 posts
=P Ooh...skimping on Zelda? How could you, Emily? ^_^ Just for that, I won't go fell running with you...even though I now have glasses...yay! =D. *Ahem*. ^_^ 'Tis cool (might go fell running yet - although not with this hayfever).
My shame is not having played any of the current generation consoles. =P
Nor any modern PC games.
Nes & Saturn still have pride of place in my living room. =/ Erk. (No..hang on, that's a good thing, ^_^ I love 'em, ^_^ Heehee...).

Regarding FFVII - not ashamed at having missed that - was having too much fun with Panzer Dragoon Saga at the time, ^_^. <3

14 topics   111 posts
I tried to get into WoW, I really did... For some reason it whole experience made me quite anxious. I can understand the addiction, perhaps that's why I was anxious.

I never played the original GTA's. After having played the new(er) ones, I don't think I can go back. I also never played any of the big SSI titles in the 90's. That's probably not that big of a deal now, though.

Also, FF is never something I had the patience for. My sister would kill me for saying that!

0 topics   2 posts
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