Directory Listings Tagged: Games
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Artifex Mundi is a game development studio which develops games on two game markets: casual game market and core-game market.
Submitted by Malgorzata Galant-Mikula
on 26 March 2010,
updated 14 year(s) ago
| 799 views | 0 comments
Emerging indie game development company focused on the mobile entertainment market.
Blackman 'N Robin: Delivering select gaming, movie, music, and comic news- Everyone is a Critic!
Independent game development studio, author of several succesfull and unique titles.
We develop interactive content such as games from concept to release. Lately we are focusing on an iPhone title as well as a Xbox Live Community Game.
Gameplay is a monthly gaming magazine, available across news stands in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and FYR Macedonia.
Gamer's Guide to is an independent media specialist in the field of video games journalism, based in the UK.
German-based Gaming and Entertainment Website.
GTA Balkan je stranica koja vam donosi vijesti i recenzije iz gta svijeta.
Igrorama is a PC gaming blog, publishing in-depth reviews and news on a daily basis.
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