Directory Listings Tagged: Community
Basically we're a bunch of cynical chaps who have a passion for both games and writing.
Submitted by Patrick Day-Childs
on 13 October 2011,
updated 13 year(s) ago
| 1239 views | 0 comments
Canadian Gaming publication that works on forging a united gaming community.
Editorial driven site offering views, reviews, previews, and a friendly community forum.
We're not snarky. We're not elite. We embrace all gamers regardless of age, skill-level or gender and we vow to always tell our readers the truth. Pinkie promise.
Gaming news, reviews, community, and a plenitude of persiflage. exclusively offers PC gaming news and reviews, keeping PC gamers away from the multi-format sites.
Award-nominated gaming website bringing together industry professionals and passionate amateurs, work closely together to produce fresh, topical content with a personal slant.
A great community of gamers serving up the latest news, reviews, weekly podcasts, and gaming events. Join us in our quest for world domination.
A gaming community website with open discussions about video games, collecting and culture.
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