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What about Gamescom?
The E3 just finsihed and we are all still busy with writing our articles about the E3. However, for the European press there is also another event going to take place. The Gamescom in Kohnl. Who's going to attend at the gamescom and what do you expect from it? Are the publishers going to announce more games or information about the 'E3 games' or are we going to see and hear the things we already know?

3 topics   31 posts
I'm thinking about it, but not sure if I can afford it yet. And won't find out until by the end of July, so it'll be on a very short notice. :pBut, heard a few MMOG devs will be there and at GDC Europe (same location almost same dates) I'd like to go.

0 topics   5 posts
I hate waiting till this event.

3 topics   31 posts

Moderators: Tom