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Afternoon all,

Here's an Alan Wake preview for those who are interested.

1 topics   8 posts
I'm writing a bi-weekly column for Gamezone, looking at downloadable content. The first one went live today:

0 topics   20 posts
Just wrote an article about how to get some of the best Xbox 360 titles for cheap on the net. I think a lot of readers might not know about and fall prey to GameStop

0 topics   3 posts
Here's a look into the Deadliest Duos in Gaming:

0 topics   20 posts
Hey everyone! Here's my hopefully-not-boring-blog at my daily newspaper!

Nice meeting everyone too btw~

0 topics   1 posts
It took a while, but I completed my first strategy guide. If you're a fan of the Nectaris series of games and happen to own an iPhone or iPod Touch, here you go:

It's a fairly lengthy read, so get out the smoking jacket and pipe if you're so inclined...

0 topics   3 posts
Some of you may be interested in my 'Behind the Scenes Look at Bizarre Creations' piece.

0 topics   20 posts
Here is a link to a video show that I produce:

Here is my weekly podcast:

And her is the last review that I wrote at PlaystationWorld:

0 topics   2 posts
the Black Mirror 2 review copies have been sent out and I got a preview full version a while back. I have posted the full walkthrough if anybody needs a bit of help to complete the game and get the review done quickly.

1 topics   8 posts
Here's my recent review of tri-Ace's Resonance of Fate, possibly "one of the best games you'll never play."

0 topics   3 posts
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Moderators: Tom