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Discuss and share thoughts and interests Looking For Podcast Guests
Hello all, is looking to give its main writers a bit of a break and introduce some additional voices to the site through podcasts (initially) at the same time.  Why podcasts?  Well, it's a great way to introduce new voices to the site - literally, of course - while not taking up too much time for either party.  It gives both parties a feel for each other as well.

Who:  We're looking for anyone that's knowledgeable in the MMOG market.  You don't have to be hardcore, you don't even have to like World of Warcraft.  If you have knowledge in more than one game (or one newly released/mass market game, f2p or sub) then we're interested in hearing from you. 

What:, the site started by the bloggers that ran for quite some time.

When: We're looking for guest spots for numerous upcoming epsidoes.  Podcasts are generally recorded on Tuesday and/or Thursday at 8PM EST via Skype.

How:  Via Skype, I just said that.

Why (aka compensation):  None, and I hate saying that.  I really do.  I hate all the "work for us for" free, I mean the "experience" or "exposure", posts that go up on these sites...but we're on a shoestring budget atm.  However, if you run, or work for another site that runs a podcast we'd love to guest star on your podcast in return.  There is a chance that you could become a paid wrtier in the future if things go well.

Contact me via PM, on twitter, or at itzkoopa_at_lorehound _dot_com.

3 topics   9 posts

Moderators: Tom