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Evony, a big story
This is big.
Evony is a browser MMO.
It is also a Chinese gold farmer going first party and cutting out the middleman to get to the money.
The game itself is largely ripped off from some fairly well known games such as Civilisation. As in directly copying the content.
Evony are spamming the internet like crazy to recruit victims.
And they are misusing Google adsense to carperbomb the net with lewd adverts which contain images lifted from lingerie catalogues.
And lots of people have already lost money.
Here is a good overview article of the situation: with lots of links for further background.
I got involved when they spammed my blog like crazy. A lot of information about what is going on is now here:

10 topics   15 posts
Yeah, lots of outraged blog posts everywhere. That couldn't possibly work in their favour, now could it.

0 topics   4 posts

Moderators: Tom