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It's really good fun, and the art and animation are top notch. Fan of the original?
My only concern is that, in Australia at least, it comes out two days after MW2, and the same week as AC2. Hopefully it won't get swallowed by the blockbusters.

2 topics   26 posts
Here are all my articles I wrote for the biggest Dutch IT related website

It's all in Dutch, though.

0 topics   2 posts
Figured I'd post the url to my blog on here, see if I can get some people and some feedback. All feedback is welcome, still developing my style:

0 topics   3 posts
My turn!

Okay, here's a few links for a few sites – all under various pen names because, well, because I can't go into that right now, but it's all me. Maybe you can see that, maybe you can't. Be nice to know if anyone recognizes my style, or any style. I'm rambling - Mr Pub and his wet friends got me in a room all alone and assaulted me last night…

indie games for resolution magazine

Wet review for gamedot

midnight club la for game people

Battlefield 1943 for game people

yes, I know some of these titles are past their sell by date, but they were all 'we need to see your writing' that ended up getting uploaded. Which is good, no?

1 topics   13 posts
My turn. EyePet review -

0 topics   11 posts
My coverage of a few games at the Eurogamer Leeds Expo. More soon

1 topics   3 posts
My gaming blog is

Given all the praise Batman: Arkham Asylum has generated, I was underwhelmed, and would like to know if I'm the only one with these complaints:

0 topics   2 posts
Borderlands review:
Risen review:
Red Faction review:

I'm very happy with how my Borderlands review turned out, although I guess you should say "review." My newest feature is on TGR where I'm doing a bi-weekly column about building a perfect game in a certain category using only my wits and genre conventions.

0 topics   8 posts
The Latest -

Shmups: Gaming's EOE - A complete-as-I-could-manage history of female protagonists in old-school scrolling shooters, and a comparison to more prevalent contemporary offshoots.

How-To: Atelier Annie - A semi-review of the recent DS release, tailored to make the game less intimidating to those less-inclined towards "niche" games.

Comments and other inquiries are appreciated as always.

0 topics   5 posts
Hi guys,

Here's a few links:

Tekken 6 Review -
Modern Warfare 2 Review -

Hope you enjoy my blog :)

0 topics   1 posts
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Moderators: Tom