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Contributions welcome for December-January issue of monthly Game Mode Magazine
Game Mode, is the first Pakistan based monthly video games magazine, launched in October 2009 across Pakistan, with plans to reach our readers internationally in South Asia, Middle East, Far East, as well as Europe and America.

After the successful October and November issues, we are currently welcoming contributions for the Dec-Jan issue. Beside our writers at Game Mode, we welcome quality contributions from writers locally as well as those geographically situated elsewhere. The contributions can take form of interesting and informative articles related with video games, reviews, previews, News and interviews etc.

Those interested can send their pieces to, by the 8th of December latest

It would be desired that the font used be Ariel, and the size should be 12. The ideal length of your writings can be anywhere between 800 to 1200 words approximately. Word limits can be reduced or increased depending on our editorial feedback on your article.

We would assume that your contributions are already not published elsewhere, and are original in substance and quality.

For any further information, the interested writers can reach me at the email address mentioned above.

M. Omar Khan

3 topics   3 posts
Just a quick question, would you be paying for the contributions?

3 topics   34 posts
Hello Ian: At present we accept contributions on volantary basis. The contributors, however, do get a free copy of the magazine.

3 topics   3 posts
I will be contributing again. :)

0 topics   20 posts

3 topics   3 posts
I hope to send my contribution in soon

0 topics   3 posts

Moderators: Tom