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Discuss and share thoughts and interests Site Relaunch!
Hi everyone,

The fantastic new site for Square-Go has been released today.

Come and have a look and see what you think!!

1 topics   8 posts
Hey, I like Square Go, so cheers for the head's up, =).

14 topics   111 posts
First impression: This looks like a really cool place for videogame reviews and game related editorials. I like the visual style a lot, nice logo, bright colors, cool fonts, everything fits in nicely.

Having a teaser quote on the top right corner of about every page works surprisingly well: it immediately got my attention and I clicked through a few times to read the rest of the article.

What I don't like is the advertising. It looks like all Google Ads for game related content is for for free flash games, at least in my region. The cheap looking ads are in high contrast with the overall very professional graphical design.

5 topics   52 posts
Thanks for the responses - I think advertising is something we're always looking at.

The quote's in the top right corner is pretty addictive isn't it ;)

1 topics   8 posts

Moderators: Tom