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Post Your Work

Welcome to post your work. In an effort to get some more activity here, let's post some of our latest work. Put up a cool news story today? Post the link. Done a nice review, or a rad feature? Post it! Written the absolute biggest piece of crap you've ever spewed in your life and want public retribution? POST IT!


I'll start off. Just a review I did on Little King's Story for the Wii. It's my first in a while, since I started University, so go gently. I'm pretty happy with it. It's longer than I would have liked. It also seems a bit too positive to me. It's a really great game, and I really enjoyed it, but I think I used too grand a vocabulary. Oh well.


If I don't write for a while I tend to revert back into the game play - graphics - sound forumula which works but I think it's nicer if it's all mixed together. I try to change that tune a bit.


So post your work!

2 topics   26 posts

Alrighty, well I'll throw my hat in here I guess. I have a newish bi-monthly indie gaming column over at The Escapist called Indie Queue. I'm really happy with the first few installments, but they're a tad buried in the sight at present. The column mixes my own interviews and reporting with indie game developers into pieces that focus on upcoming games.


My third installment, a piece on Blueberry Garden, just went up a few days ago:


Prior to that I ran a piece on Edmund McMillen and Super Meat Boy:


And the debut was an interview with Pixel and Nicalis on the upcoming WiiWare version of Cave Story:


Since I'm quasi-pimping my wares, you can check out other samples of my work posted regularly at my personal workblog:


6 topics   34 posts

I read your Blueberry Garden article when you twittered it, and when I clicked on your others I realised I'd already read them but not had any idea that you did them. Cool.


Nice work anyway, Indie games get a lot more attention these days - which is good, because loads of them are RAD. is my website, whilst we're flogging, but if you hopped on there I would only bother with my travel journals, none of which would be on the front page anymore. The rest is just a notebook / 'hey I did this at uni, I can put that on the website'.


I gotta say though, I thoroughly enjoy reading my story of Hubert Hardling;



2 topics   26 posts



I'm dog tired today and can't be arsed doing anything so I'll just post a link to my portfolio zzz



3 topics   8 posts

I've just put up a hands-on preview of High Voltage's The Conduit.  It looks at the multiplayer primarily with some on the single player:


Feedback is always welcome.


Jack, I wouldn't worry too much about your review, it reads well and gets across everything I'd need to know.  You might have just sold me on it, actually.


Nathan, looking good.  I enjoyed the Cave Story one.  I've bookmarked a couple of them to divulge properly later. 

1 topics   2 posts

Can't seem to find a way to edit, so apologies for the double post...


Nice one Jonny, read NGamer pretty regularly.

1 topics   2 posts

One of the first reviews I ever did (a few months ago) on Gears of War 2.


Another review, this time on The Maw.



0 topics   6 posts

Just a little retro piece I did on Sonic 2 recently:

0 topics   9 posts

Here's a recent review I did for GamesRadar and then one of my favorite feature pieces I did for TheGameReviews.

5 topics   11 posts

Here's an impressions piece of the inFAMOUS demo, written a couple of hours ago.

0 topics   7 posts
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Moderators: Tom