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The 'Hello Everyone' Topic
Hello, everyone

Currently, I'm an author and a special correspondent of, the most popular game web-resource in the former Soviet Union countries (320k+ of unique visitors per 24 hours). My last special article was an exclusive review of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat, which was published the same day the game hit the stores (actually, I spent a week in developers' office to write it).

To speak about myself in a few words: I'm from Ukraine and I'm a student (applied math) of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, one of the most prestigious universities there, and a great fan of Manchester United :). Well... that's all, I think.

Feel free to contact with me anytime.


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Hello everyone, my name is Naftalie, I'm from the Netherlands. I have a Master's degree in Creative Development. I'm trying to get involved in writing for games (storylines, dialogue, quests etc.)
Currently however I write about games for

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Hello, everyone!

I'm Tim Nichols from beautiful Lexington, Kentucky - the horse capital of the world, but not the video game capital of the world, go figure.

I've been a freelance writer for about a year and have 10 years of sports journalism experience with newspapers. Natually I'm a big sports gamer (Madden, FIFA, etc..) This seems like a pretty nice site and I look forward to learning more about the business. I was also looking up E3 packages for the 2010 convention and I should be able to do that. So I have that going for me.

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Hi there people! I'm Daylon, the Director and Quarterback at FiftyOne Marketing. I've been involved in the gaming industry in some form or fashion over the last several years. This includes websites, blogging, podcasting and now ofcourse with my own marketing company.

I've had fun here so far checking things out so I'm hoping this is a positive place to experience the lighter side of the industry.

Go HEROES! (my favorite TV show)

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Just wanted to say hi, this looks like an awesome service. ;)

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'Sup everyone! I just found about about this little network here. Still checking everything out. Seems cooler than the last gaming journos network I was in, which was built with Ning (

Well, I'm a 23-years-old independent gaming blogger in Brazil. Emphasis on the words "blogger", "independent" and "Brazil" as they define everything. It's a fun work, and I'm really serious about becoming more professional with it day after day -- my goal is to be something like "the brazilian Destructoid" of sorts --, but right now things are still very slow, as I'm forced to maintain two other jobs alongside it. Add to that the fact that Brazil has pretty much no developed games industry or market and you got yourself a situation that's simultaneosly very hard to work with and very exciting about its future possibilities.

My blog is, and I've worked for several of the biggest brazilian gaming magazines in the past, such as Nintendo World, GameMaster and Electronic Gaming Monthly.

Drop me a line and let's chat!

0 topics   2 posts
Well let's see, boring stuff first :P originally from N.Ireland, moved to Newcastle and working hard on developing games, as it was always a passion of mine from a young age.

You people and your long introductions making me look bad for posting such a small intro! :D ah well, I've said hey atleast

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Hello everyone!

I'm a 36 year old gamer-turned-freelancer from N. America, brought up on the VIC 20 and hooked on gaming and writing ever since. Like some of you, I really enjoy the games from bygone years. (I think the most recent game I bought was Assassin's Creed... about 4 weeks ago.) I look for the qualities in games that make them stand out over time and outlive the shiny new games that get all the press and then fall off the face of the Earth. Star Control 2 is the game that raised the bar for me.

I do video reviews of my favorite game at, and I blog there a little as well. I recently joined the podcasting crew at, which is very informal and lots of fun. I produce a lot of tweet as @LongTailGamer, too. I'll be checking out your work, folks! Won't you return the favor?

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Just recently joined up. Pretty cool site you have here. Still figuring stuff out though.


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Hello all just joined this great looking network. Well ive been gaming since i was about 5 and now im 28, my first computer being the zx spectrum 48k, what a machine for its time i loved my spectrum. Since then i have had various computers/consoles over the years. Just started doing game news/previews and reviews over at andwe are a great community of gamers who all share the same passion which is gaming. Looking fwd to being part of this network too.

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Moderators: Tom