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Discuss and share thoughts and interests looking for new review/preview writers
Hi guys,

I am a new user here and I just want to ask if there are maybe some guys out there who want to write some reviews about retro games or upcoming games ...
Just pick your favourite game and write a detailed review about it ... It can be a SNES RPG like Final Fantasy III or it can be a brandnew title like Modern Warfare 2 ... you decide what you want to review!

Everyone is welcome to join our team us ! We still have one of the biggest video game collector communities worldwide!

If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask them here ...

best greetings,

1 topics   1 posts
we are still looking for new writers ... just contact me !

1 topics   1 posts I only have old consoles.

14 topics   111 posts

Moderators: Tom