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The KrabbitWorld Origins manual is available for download and feedback.
Just put together this little initial manual for KWO. There's lots of little cropped screenies in it for reference.
It's a pretty basic overview of the gameplay, hopefully a light enough read for players to get the gist of things.
(Those who read them, when they do)

Go ahead and download it if you like.
Feedback from a gamer's point of view is appreciated. If something is glaringly missing I can always add it in.

It's no work of desktop publishing art, by any means, and I'm calling it an overview because the game goes alot deeper than this.
This is version 1. The next one will address multiplay more in-depth.

It's more of a how-to than anything about story. There's lots more on our website for the diligent and curious.
And the tutorial fills in quite a bit as well.


5 topics   14 posts
Personally I hardly read manuals - not for games and not for other products. When I buy a boxed copy of a game, I will take a quick look in the manual but that's about it. Mostly I'm annoyed with the spelling mistakes that are made during translation and then I give up.

When buying a downloadable game and there is no hard copy of the manual, the chance of reading it is even smaller.

All you need to know for a good game experience should be obtained from within the game. Most promotional copies for review do not include the manual, so I doubt the journalists here will have lots of experience with game manuals ;-)

The manual for KrabbitWorld Origins looks pretty straight forward and decent nevertheless.

5 topics   52 posts
Have to agree with Bregt on most of that.

I did have a quick scan Teri, to put off my homework for a while, and yeah it seems pretty good. The pictures are all good and that. Might have another look later :)

2 topics   26 posts
Personally I hardly read manuals - not for games and not for other products. When I buy a boxed copy of a game, I will take a quick look in the manual but that's about it. Mostly I'm annoyed with the spelling mistakes that are made during translation and then I give up.

When buying a downloadable game and there is no hard copy of the manual, the chance of reading it is even smaller.

All you need to know for a good game experience should be obtained from within the game. Most promotional copies for review do not include the manual, so I doubt the journalists here will have lots of experience with game manuals ;-)

The manual for KrabbitWorld Origins looks pretty straight forward and decent nevertheless.


Good feedback! Too true about no one reading manuals!
I suppose it's just as easy to find tips online when you get stuck.
Mostly they only ever get read in between doing other stuff or in the bathroom.
But we've found some kool key binding stuff in Diablo 2 that way!
Our target market are the hardcore types who just like to feel their way around in the game.
However some of the more casual folks who've taken our game for a spin have really needed the details of a manual.
Catering to the inexperienced gamer with ingame tips for everything would be ludicrous and ruin the game.
Seems odd that reviewers aren't supplied with manuals when it's so easy to make a PDF!
This forum is a great way to find out industry info!


Jack Baldwin wrote...
Have to agree with Bregt on most of that.

I did have a quick scan Teri, to put off my homework for a while, and yeah it seems pretty good. The pictures are all good and that. Might have another look later :)


Kool, appreciate it.

Heh, we know it's just a basic overview but we've already come across some key things we need to add in.
Death, resurrection, damage, repair etc.. They'll make it into the next iteration.
At least it's all started. It's an opportunity too, for people who might be curious just to see what kind of game it is.
Stuff you might not really get from a quick look at the web site.

5 topics   14 posts

Version 2 is up for .. well .. proof reading, if you're so inclined.
Or.. for checking out yet another level of depth of the game (KWO) before it hits the big time. Up to you.

Feedback appreciated.. 

5 topics   14 posts

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