Games Publications & Businesses Directory
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Created in 2000, Anuman Interactive SA is a mainstream software publisher and is a leader in the fields of architecture, the Highway Code and creative activities.
BiP media is an independent French video game studio dedicated to the creation of entertaining, innovative and high-quality games for PC, Nintendo, Microsoft, Apple & Sony consoles.
Cosmocover is a European marketing and PR agency! 100% dedicated to interactive entertainment, digital lifestyle and high tech companies!
Submitted by Salima Bessahraoui
on 23 February 2010,
updated 14 year(s) ago
| 1022 views | 0 comments
French Indie Blog. Blog français focalisé sur les jeux indépendants, commerciaux ou non.
Game Connection is the business meeting solution for the Video Game industry
Lexis Numérique is one of the biggest independent games design studios in Europe. Lexis Numérique is also an interactive communication agency specialized in serious gaming and interactive design.
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