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Interested in video games AND movies??
Hey all. The newly created is in need for some talented writers who are passionate about video games and/or movies! This isn't your typical run of the mill entertainment website. We focus more on gaming and movie cultures, in depth analysis, impressions, reviews etc for games and movies.

If you are interested and want a foot in the door, just post here or email Demetri at

This is voluntary, but with a great team of writers, this website will go places, I promise you.
Headburst is proudly expanding more and more into a well known entertainment website. We continue to seek writers who have a passion for video games and movies! So if you are interested write us an email.  

There is no better place for your love of writing and movies/games to be shown than at Headburst!

1 topics   0 posts
I would post this in the jobs section on here, there will be more of a chance of getting hits.


Simon Weatherall
Assistant Editor
3 topics   35 posts

Moderators: Tom