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Super Super on TV
Super Super on TV

Did you know SuperSuper magazine is set to have a documentary about it appearing on Channel 4 television? How SuperSuper. =)

14 topics   111 posts
I haven't heard of SuperSuper magazine, which may be a gap in my culture, but it's not really professional to put "WE'RE LAUNCHING ONLINE IN JUNE" in capital letters on your website in July. :p

5 topics   52 posts
Perhaps not, but they're in WH Smiths and Borders here in the UK, allegedly stocked in 40+ countries, held a party in Berlin yesterday, are up to issue 17 already, and whilst I only just discovered the mag when doing games mag research in Smiths, my penpal Lady Elly made out she'd been buying it from Borders for ages, and I was a bit slow to have only discovered it now, lol. But it's probably a subcultural/underground thing. I've no details on circulation numbers.

The site isn't really there yet, but their last email newsletter had a fair bit in it.

14 topics   111 posts does bug me sometimes how magazines cock up their online presence, and online ventures that dabble in print don't do much with it. Someday, we might have a publication that's as strong online as it is offline [or do we already have that with The Guardian?]

14 topics   111 posts
Website launched:
And they're on TV Monday-Thursday this week, at 19:55pm.
Missed Monday's mini-docu? I've posted it here:

14 topics   111 posts
It's got good production values and it's a pretty interesting project to be involved with. Unfortunately the actual content is so shallow, some of the answers the people being interviewed gave reminded me of what Bruno used to do to fashion designers back in the day, like "Cool actually to be wearing a label that's not a lable, which in itself has become a label.". Wow.

I'm interested in fashion to a degree, but just wow.

3 topics   34 posts
Haha, yeah, but that's us media, making something out of nothing, ;-).

I'm just chuffed a print magazine I like, has got on TV.

14 topics   111 posts
Have put up today's episode too.

NB: Am nothing to do with SuperSuper. I just discovered issue 17 a few months ago, when doing market research on games mags in Wh Smiths - its bright colours sort of leapt out at me from the newsstand. ^_^

14 topics   111 posts

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