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Competition, site feedback and a free game
Hi guys.

We're running a competition over at Reso at the moment, with two copies of splendid, space-age PC racing game Super Laser Racer to give away.

Really, though, it's an excuse to survey our readers, as well as any potential readers, and get people's opinions about the site.

If you'd like to be in with a chance of winning a copy (it's not region specific, as we'll be supplying registration keys for digital download), head on over to the link below -- we'd be really appreciative of your feedback.

Thanks you lot!

8 topics   62 posts
Filled it in and took a look at your site, looks nice. Oh and how can't lasers be cool?!

2 topics   72 posts
Thanks for the game! It's really fun to play :D

2 topics   72 posts
Ended up buying a copy in the end as my friend was the other winner and was raving about it. Always like to help out the indie game developer and it's good fun :)

0 topics   5 posts
Thanks for your entries, guys, and to anyone else from here that may have entered. The feedback we received from our readers and from you lot was great.

Yeah the game is really neat, I like it a lot. It's such a shame there's no multiplayer, though having spoken to the devs it seems they might be working on it for an upcoming patch. If they do, it'll be absolutely brill.

8 topics   62 posts

Moderators: Tom