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Whom Do You Represent?
 Here at Gameleon, a plethora of gaming publications are represented. Which do you work for? What is your position? And could you give a little description for us who may not have heard of the company you work for?

  • I work for: PlayStation Universe (PSU)
  • My position is: Database Manager
  • A little about my company: PlayStation Universe is the world's largest independent PlayStation site, co-founded by Seb Hayes and Kieran O'Neill, who are currently working on launching the web's next big gaming phenomenon, Playfire. PSU currently offers the latest PlayStation news, reviews, media, and previews, in addition to user-submitted content such as themes and wallpapers. The site is also home to one of the web's largest PS3 trophy portals and the world-ranked PS3 Forums.

1 topics   4 posts
Man. Too many. I'll go with the ones to which I contribute most / ones you might have heard of.

I write for Resolution
My position is General Editor
Resolution is a critical hub publishing almost-daily articles about games, the industry, gaming culture, and other hot topics pertaining to the medium.  It was founded last year and is still finding its feet a bit, but we like to think it is quite good.

I write for GameSetWatch / Gamasutra (The stuff I write appears on both...)
My position is Columnist
GameSetWatch is a cool little esoteric blog focusing on all the videogame stuff that the other sites tend to miss: little indie games, different angles on the big issues, in-depth analysis pieces... stuff like that.
Gamasutra is probably the world's leading games industry site.  Certainly America's.  If you're into games development, it's probably your first port of call.  Amusingly, I have very little idea of the ins and outs of game development, and rarely talk about it in any meaningful way, but they continue paying me to write stuff for them, which is pretty neat.

I write for Eurogamer
My position is Freelancer
Eurogamer is Europe's leading videogames site.  You've probably heard of it.

I write for HonestGamers
My position is Freelancer
HonestGamers is a really awesome place, frequented by a variety of budding games journalists and game fans alike.  Primarily focused on reviews, it features a wide range of writers covering games from a huge abundance of different perspectives.  There's a cool community vibe there, too.

8 topics   62 posts

I work full time for an airline in Sales and Marketing and have recently taken the delve into "real" videogame journalism and freelance writing. I've been working on fansites and writing for years, creating various website and creating the first Zelda e-Zine on the web. However, I've written literally hundreds of reviews for Zentendo and really enjoying pitching and working for Jade Screen.

I write for
My position is News and UK Editor
Zentendo is certainly a brilliant project to be involved with. I've known the owner, Mike for many years since the days of him being the top Zelda speedrunner on practically all of the series. After his departure to the professional world of videogame journalism Zentendo has really moved on in terms of features and reviews. Cover only Nintendo videogames is certainly a challenge, but it's a enjoyable one. Great community as well - just need more staff now!

I write for News-Anime
My position is Owner
News-Anime is my personal project. I've always loved Japanese culture, before I really knew about anime and manga, it was really just part of me for some reason. After I discovered that some of my favourite shows as a kid was anime, I looked into this "genre" further and found that I loved lots of it. The cross over between anime and games is becoming more profound, yet the distance between anime and gaming from a fan's point of view is larger than ever. So it's a minefield to keep people happy. It's a great place to keep up with UK news, don't cover the US or surprisingly Japan at all. No community as I can't manage it unfortunately.

I write for Jade Screen
My position is Anime Columnist
Jade Screen is awesome. It's a quarterly Asian Cinema magazine that covers all sorts of films and news from Hong Kong, Korea, China and Japan when it comes to martial arts and recently expanded to all genres coming from the Far East. I am the first and currently only anime writer and I just write about what I feel about in that time. Introducing people to anime is hard as many people already know what it is and are under the impression that anime is just yellow noisy creatures that are poorly animated and is on kids shows. The thought of shows like Higurashi to many people is just mind-blowing. Fortunately I'm lucky enough to be able to choose what I write about and in the issue due out tomorrow I interviewed Yuri from Afro Samurai. Very interesting :).

3 topics   34 posts
I work for: Myself!?
My position is: Entrepreneur
A little bit about my company: United Games Fanzine was a non-profit making fanzine distributed at indie retailers [CEX, Pink Planet, CHIPS, etc] 1998-2003. United Games Media (2004-2007) was a partnership between myself and ACE Okell, with initial funding from The Princes Trust and HSBC, to produce a DVD dubbed "What's Next?::For Videogames" which paired a documentary with E3 show coverage. The partnership and DVD project ended in 2007. Now I want to bring back the successful United Games Fanzine, albeit as a commercial magazine, and am working on a business plan document to that end.

14 topics   111 posts
I work for: Undercover-Gaming
My position is: Final Editor, Content Manager, Editor
A little bit about my company: We are a Dutch game site who focuses on exclusive, original interviews, articles and other content. It was created by Sylvano Witte - after he left at MediaInside after a conflict - with some other people, such as Kevin Pennekamp. We also keep an eye on the 'normal' content, like news, recent (and retro) videogames, logs and events. Our exclusive section contains interviews with Monobanda (extraordinary studio who does... crazy, but fun, stuff), Loekalization (a company that translates English/Japanese games into Dutch.), coverage of Elf Fantasy Fair (a cosplay-event, how did you guess?) and more coming up. We are quite small at the moment, but we are growing, our biggest event in the future in a full coverage of the Gamescom 2009. This event will take place in Cologne and we will take footage of the 'normal' event and backstage footage. That will contain us in the hotel working our *ss off, at parties and more. All with all I am proud to be a member, editor and (content) manager of this small, but really fun site.

2 topics   72 posts
I work for: FinalBoss
My position is: Writer
A little bit about my company: Hailing from sometimes sunny Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, FinalBoss has existed for quite a long time, I've started as a reader and in time I was hired after collaborating with freelance reviews and such. We're a somewhat small team, but hell if we don't get a lot of stuff done in our time :) As of right now, I work from home, but life back in the office was pretty awesome. Seeing the guys playing Counter-Strike after lunch (as for me, I've kind of outgrown that game, I ended up playing something else), poking fun at our co-workers, it's all in a day's work. :)

Oh yeah, playing games and covering the industry news isn't our only field of work. We also produce mobile games, online games (usually for promo stuff, such as the Moon Landing Anniversary for a local TV company), short animations for TV - we've created Barbara, the very hot mascot for Sexy Hot, an adult channel - and other related material. Also, we develop software solutions for online training, stock keeping, but many people don't know that.

0 topics   3 posts
I write for: Honest Gamers
Position: Freelancer
Like Lewis said. Honest Gamers is a neat place. The people who run it know what they are doing, the community is pretty tight, and overall it is a pretty fun place to work at.

I write for: FACEOFFgames
Position: Contributer
FACEOFF gives the writers a whole lot of leeway with the angles they take on their stories or reviews. I've done some pretty conceptualized stuff that is really helping me hone my craft and develop my style, and being able to do that is kind of rare when a site is paying you. As the opportunity for content grows so does the site, definitely one to watch for.

I write for: The Game Reviews
Position: Columnist
I do mostly editorials, my newest one being about the Arthouse Gaming movement, and the site focuses more on stories and well researched opinion pieces than the most, which I really like since it gives me a chance to stretch my journalism muscles. The site has a LOT of underrated writers on staff.

I write for: NoMoreGameBlogs
Position: Contributer
With a smooth site and some serious people on board, plus allowing the writers tremendous freedom, this is another site to watch out for. I've only done a piece or two for them so far but things seem to be going well over there.

0 topics   8 posts
I write for:
My position is: Contributor
I write mainly MMO reviews for and occasionally a few other bits and pieces. Been with them a couple of years now and it's nice to now be able to say my reviews are featured on the playboy website as this year's reviews started being syndicated on their site.

I write for: XboxGameZone
My position is: Staff Writer/Reviewer
The clue's above really! I write Xbox 360 reviews for the site. Very grateful to this site as it gave me my first opportunity to attend a press event at the start of the year. As well as getting to see Resident Evil 5 early, it was excellent to be able to get the chance to interview someone for a site! Always happy to acquire new skills.

I write for:
My position is: UK Reviews Editor/Staff Writer
Recently been promoted to UK Reviews Editor and, again, excellent to try something new. It's a new challenge having never dealt with PR people before but I like a challenge and hopefully I'll succeed. On the writing front, I mainly write iPhone reviews but have started also reviewing Wiiware games and DS titles.

I write for:  TheGameReviews
My position is: Staff Writer
I mainly write features for TGR. Currently I'm sharing the Rumor Killers weekly column which is quite popular, as well as writing articles based on my own ideas. I'm really enjoying writing for the site and I'm sure it's improving my analytical writing hugely. It's also giving me the opportunity to write about things that I haven't had the chance to do before, such as my recent article on whether Motion Control gaming is a negative thing for some disabled gamers, which I was able to throw some personal experience into.

0 topics   5 posts
Lisa Bidder says: "she's lovely and a damn good writer :D".

14 topics   111 posts
Glad to hear that's what she thinks about me :)

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