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Reviewers: What are your system specs?
Hey writers, as game developers for PC and Mac, we'd like to know what your computer system specs are, in general. I've looked around a bit on the board and come across some posts about 'under spec' systems. Just wonder what it's like out there on the writer's side.

What's your video card memory, your RAM, your extra hard drive space, your shader support?


5 topics   14 posts
I've seen those threads too and am starting to think I'm one of the few freelance journalists that actually have a gaming capable PC haha. I haven't given up on PC gaming!

Video Card: 2x 9800 GTX SLI
RAM: 8 gigs Corsair
Storage: 4x1TB, 2x500GB

0 topics   8 posts
It's no where near as beefy as Gavin's rig, but it'll play most of the games I want.

Video: Geforce 8800 GTS
Hard Drive Space: About 1.2TB

0 topics   11 posts
I'm a PC gamer through and through, so I try and keep my hardware at a reasonable spec. Currently I'm packing...

CPU: Q6600
GFX Card: ATI Radeon HD4850
HDD: 2 x 500Gb Western Digital drives

Just upgraded the OS from XP to Windows 7. Loving it so far. This setup plays pretty much anything I throw at it.

0 topics   8 posts
Awesome. PC gaming is still my favourite. Thanks for posting guys, this is reassuring. :) All these systems are great for testing and playing our game. ;)

Currently I'm doing the art for KWO on a 5 year old Dual G5 Mac PPC with 4.5 gigs of Ram and an ATI Radeon 9800 Pro (not the best card for shader based games, but fine for development)

I do a lot of my testing and game playing on a MacBook Pro Intel core 2 Duo with 2 GIGs of RAM and a GeForce 8600M GT. It's the main system we use for performance testing.

Thanks again for sharing. Hope to see more specs posted!

5 topics   14 posts
A Mac? And you call yourself a PC gamer... :P

0 topics   8 posts
I built mine a few months ago and;
Intel i7 920
2x GTX275s SLI
6gb Corsair DDR3 ram
Other stuff

Plays Crysis like a pro!

2 topics   26 posts
Barry White wrote...
A Mac? And you call yourself a PC gamer... :P

Of course, I have both, silly. As a long time digital artist, Mac is my production platform of choice.

I also have a standalone PC and another identical MacBook Pro (intel inside).
MacBook Pros can be dual, even triple boot. (we have bootcamp)
As a developer we like to have a lot of machines around.

Thanks again for specs!

5 topics   14 posts

Moderators: Tom