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+1 Tome of Videogame Journalism
I've reposted this discussion here by request: please chat away!

I have a ton of books on freelancing, a ton of books about writing, and a ton of books about getting published. I know there's Paid To Play, which briefly covers game journalism, and The Videogame Style Guide and Reference Manual, which is like the AP Stylebook for game journos, but it seems a book that covers the A-to-Zs of the multifaceted world of freelancing and videogame journalism would be a huge asset to folks, whether you're already established in the industry or just getting started. Does anyone know of other works or books in the works that deal with this subject?

After reading Kyle Orland's latest Press Pass column, it got the gears in my brain turning on this subject once again

6 topics   34 posts

Moderators: Tom