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Well designed sites?
I like a cleaner look myself. I find when a site is too jumbled I get frustrated and don't want to dig around. I like what was done with my new project a lot I think it's clean and easy to navigate. It'll probably be even better when I actually finish all the back fill I have to do, I recently updated.

0 topics   2 posts
Well, Im working for, from Brazil. I re-designed the entire website a few weeks ago, and now I think its really good. Clean and dark :) What do you think?

0 topics   1 posts
Feel free to create your own feedback topics on sites, it will be much easier to follow ;-)


Spread the word! Invite your fellow game journalists to join.

6 topics   37 posts

First I should probably do a short introduction of myself. I am the editor in chief (on the swedish site) of a Scandinavian game-network. Arctic Gamer. I been in this buisness for about three years now I think.

Am also the designer of Arctic Gamer and I would like to hear what you think of our design. We had this design for about six months now, and our readers seem to like it. :) But I would really like to hear your opinon,

Best Regards
Tobias Johansson

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