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Freelance Writers Wanted
Hi everyone.

I'm currently looking for some freelance writers to provide gaming articles for

The work is unpaid but you will have a chance to have your work seen by upwards of 250,000+ visitors to the website.

Hullgamer will soon be engaging in a massive advertising campaign in the Kingston Upon Hull area and would love to see your work on the website.

If you think you would be able to help out please don't hesitate to drop me a line

Thank You!

2 topics   1 posts

We are still looking for people to write for us.

Please be sure to get in touch!

2 topics   1 posts
PM Tom, Im sure he will post this up in the jobs section


Simon Weatherall
Assistant Editor
3 topics   35 posts
 Everyone can add jobs to the jobs database here, voluntary positions are free of charge. Just go to My Account -> Jobs - > Create new Jobpost. 

5 topics   52 posts

Moderators: Tom