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For all you chess lovers out there:

1 topics   8 posts
SquareGo's Top 17 Games of 2009 Pt 1

1 topics   8 posts
Hah, some people seemed to like this so here it is here also. My hands on first look of the newest Wii title, "New Years Eve: The Game"

0 topics   8 posts
I recently wrote an article on and the Tribes franchise. Overall I'm pretty happy with it, though if I could go back I'd change a few I wrote. I've been playing Tribes on and off since 1998, so it's safe to say I'm at least somewhat informed (and passionate) on the topic.

I'm also a bit worried about the repercussions of quoting someone who didn't get the 'ok' to do so from his company.  Still waiting to see how things will pan out (I've already ticked off a few people).

0 topics   1 posts
I'm video journalist for a channel called GameState on ZoopyTV.

Let me know what you guys think:

Thanks guys :)

1 topics   6 posts
SquareGo's Top 17 Games of 2009 Pt 1
<3 Square-Go, =).

14 topics   111 posts
Ladies and dudes,
I haven't been on here for ages - my bad - but my piece on Modern Warfare for the Escapist has finally gone up. It's taken a fair bit of stuffing around, but I'm glad it's there. Hope you like it :)

2 topics   26 posts
Respect on obtaining the interview. Really well written, with interesting content.
Gotta be better than poems about ham. =P Or am I missing something?

14 topics   111 posts

I just wrote up a feature for IGN about homophobia and harassment in the online gaming world that I'd like to share:

Homophobia and Harassment in the Online Gaming Age:

6 topics   34 posts
I just really like ham...
& Nathan, sick article man.

2 topics   26 posts
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Moderators: Tom