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Push-Start website comments and criticisms
I've commented on a few websites on here and figured it'd be a good idea to post the site I write for. I'm the Content Development Manager for We are a website dedicated to quality videogame and film news and plan on delivering that about 6 times a week.

We do a weekly podcast about gaming news and another one is going to be starting soon about film news. We area dedicated team and are always looking for any writers who love the game and/or film industry.

Here's the link and let me know what you think! Be brutal!

Thanks for your time guys and girls!

2 topics   10 posts
As far as a wordpress site it looks good, but limited. Same ad repeated 4 times on the left. The entire homepage is huge news blocks with little content filling them.

1 topics   5 posts
Looks same as other sites who use that "e-gamer" theme. and site looks dead.

2 topics   3 posts

Moderators: Tom