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Phantasm Games Studio

Phantasm Games, are an independent game development studio developing completely in-house video games. We have expertise in all stages of the game development process, including Game Concept, Production and Testing. Our studio has experience in development for XBLIG and PC platforms and is currently developing several titles for both XBLA, XBLIG and PC. We have the advantage of having developed a Game Engine of our own, Phantasm XNA Engine, and hence are very well positioned to meet varying requirements of a game development. We also have a publishing house in the UK that deals with the game publishing bussiness for Phantasm Games and other developers.

At Phantasm Games, we are on the lookout for exciting project opportunities and passionate talent. We aim to bring to people the fun involved in gaming.

Submitted by Manjith Krishnappa on 9 March 2011 updated 14 year(s) ago
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David Goddard
10 March 2011
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