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Category: PR Agency
Area: UK
10 Great Russell Street, Suite 5 London, WC18 3BQ United Kingdom
+44 (0)207 138 1062

Marketing, PR and Community Management campaigns for digital download games.


PlayReplay is a marketing agency focused on effectively promoting games to digital download audiences who are playing on platforms such as Xbox Live Arcade, Playstation Network, WiiWare, DSi, PSP Go, PC Download and via the iPhone’s App Store.


Digital distribution channels are rapidly becoming a fundamental part of the games industry, but present challenges to both developers and publishers who wish to enjoy the obvious benefits of the direct relationship with the end user.


PlayReplay understands how this relationship works and how to unlock its potential by delivering Marketing, PR and Community Management campaigns that are tailored to your game, customers, delivery platforms and budget.


We can develop marketing campaigns that generate sales.


PlayReplay combines traditional games marketing knowledge with emerging methods of reaching gaming audiences to stimulate more customers to trial, buy and recommend your products.

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PR Agency for:
PAN Vision
Strawdog Studios
Sabarasa Entertainment
Beatnik Games
Zed Worldwide
Hothead Games
Virtual Air Guitar Company Ltd
Submitted by Tom Gameleon on 27 August 2010 updated 14 year(s) ago
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