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Topic 1
BBC's Switch Games
Created over 15 years ago by Andrew M, 2511 views
Games Journalism » Video - TV Shows & Videos
Last post by Mark Brown
over 15 years ago
Topic 5
Hero Mages - Live and Awaiting Your Review!
Created over 15 years ago by Ross Przybylski, 2428 views
Games Industry » Games Development
Last post by Ross Przybylski
over 15 years ago
Topic 0
Video Gaming Advertising
Topic 6
Help us write a press release?
Created over 15 years ago by Brian Kramer, 3408 views
Games Industry » PR & Marketing
Last post by James Fudge
over 15 years ago
Topic 1
Your beloved readers, =)
Created over 15 years ago by Andrew M, 1512 views
Games Journalism » General Games Journalism Board
Last post by James Joell-Ireland
over 15 years ago
Topic 4
The KrabbitWorld Origins manual is available for download and feedback.
Created over 15 years ago by Teri Thom, 1753 views
Games Industry » Games Development
Last post by Teri Thom
over 15 years ago
Topic 0
Wordweaver for iPhone is ready for some reviews!
Created over 15 years ago by Gina Zdanowicz, 833 views
Games Industry » Games Development
Topic 9
OnLive: The next big thing?
Created over 15 years ago by Simon Weatherall, 2520 views
Off Topic » Game Related
Last post by Ralph Beentjes
over 15 years ago
Topic 14
PR Dos and Don'ts
Created over 15 years ago by James Gallagher, 4875 views
Games Industry » PR & Marketing
Last post by Jack Baldwin
over 15 years ago
Topic 0
Counterpoint - The Video Game Shoot-Out Show
Created over 15 years ago by Jay Michaels, 1684 views
Games Journalism » Video - TV Shows & Videos
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Moderators: Tom