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Gamers Nexus
Description focuses on creating a buzzing community primarily dedicated to gaming PC builds, hardware, and breaking-down consumer electronics to an understandable level. We're known for our industry-famous gaming PC build lists each month and hardware experts.

GN Splash Image

We give users access to their own development profiles, the ability to opt-in to modding and indie game development teams, full forums and sub-forums, their own blogs, and even screenshot galleries. Of course, GN's staff also adds frequent essays and analyses on the state of the industry. Our reviews explain exactly why the game received the score it did, including notes on how future releases or patches could do it better.

If you want to get more insight on the industry or gaming hardware, check out GN. Be sure to play around in our social network - our site is a fantastic tool to learn more about the equipment you game with.

Profile Details
Website Profile
Daily Unique Visitors:
1000 - 5000
Founded in:
Covered Plaftorms:
Xbox 360, PS3, PSP, Wii, DS, PC
Advertising & Sponsoring
Rectangles and Pop-Ups:
300 x 250 IMU - (Medium Rectangle), 240 x 400 IMU - (Vertical Rectangle)
Banners and Buttons:
468 x 60 IMU - (Full Banner), 728 x 90 IMU - (Leaderboard)
160 x 600 IMU - (Wide Skyscraper), 120 x 600 IMU - (Skyscraper)
Submitted by Stephen Burke on 15 July 2010 updated 13 year(s) ago
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Stephen Burke
15 July 2010
View All 1 Ratings | Average 5
Stephen Burke
Martin Baker
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