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Exergaming Australia (EGA) Pty Ltd
Hobart | Melbourne, Tasmania | Victoria 7008 Australia
+61 418 146 818

EGA is a pioneer of the new health and fitness genre, Exergaming. EGA is proud to be the first company in Australia to offer pure exergaming solutions to the wider public.

The merits of Exergaming, Serious Games and Games for Health are gaining comprehensive qualitative and quantitative support by the day. The benefits Exergaming offers in energy expenditure is well understood. Research is ongoing with studies being released frequently extolling the virtues of dance/rhythm methods such as iDANCE - EGA is the sole distributor of Postive Gaming's iDance solution for Australasia.

EGA is active in disseminating arising research and ‘connecting the dots’ in seeking practical applications for research that shows decisive benefits. These ‘practical applications’ manifest themselves in adaptions that interface software to real fitness or sports equipment, what EGA calls RiialityWare. EGA is developing it's line of RiialityWare with the 'Riiality Racket' and 'Riiality Stiik' being the first two products for release.

We take collaboration very seriously and believe the best way forward is by constructive cooperation and global advocacy. In that regard, EGA is an instrumental contributor in global online conferencing in virtual health and fitness networks. We work with many G4H and Exergaming groups to define and deliver criterion for this genre’s acceptance both locally and internationally. These collaborations are realised online through most web 2 and social media mechanisms (from google groups, wikis, social media sites, twitter groups, enterprise sites etc). This collection of online resources allows us to reach researchers, clinicians, enterprise and talented individuals in a unprecedented format. In recent times, we helped create The Exergame Network (TEN) to form a single coherent representation of these online groups and resources. EGA is again proud to be a leading participant in delivering TEN’s advocacy to a wider global community.

For 2010, EGA will  be positioned to supply best practices solutions for schools and aquatic centres throughout Australia and New Zealand. Our ADP and our close collaboration with Postive Gaming Ab and Exergame Fitness LLC USA will see EGA enter the health and fitness industry with confidence and enthusiasm.

We see 2010 as a pivotal year for the growth of Games for Health and Exergaming both locally and internationally and believe Australia has an important role in continued research and implementation.

EGA is excited about the future ahead and determined to see Exergaming grow in key health and fitness sectors. Our determination and enthusiasm could best be summarised with our own company tag: Serious Fun.

Submitted by Brett Young on 22 February 2010 updated 15 year(s) ago
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