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Recently had a good time writing about EspGaluda II Black Label. One of my favorites aside from Senko no Ronde DUO to come out this year.


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Creator of Station 54
Generally Tired Guy
0 topics   16 posts
My latest article for Escapist is on alternative game reviews:

I'm also quite proud of my feature on Phoenix Wright and the Japanese justice system:

0 topics   1 posts

0 topics   11 posts
Here's the most recent review I've done(which was nearly two months ago):
Here's a couple of features I've wrote for TGH(the second one more for comedic purposes):
And finally here's a link to my author archive. Go back more than a few pages and it just becomes news posts:

Nathan, just read through some of your work. Good stuff man.

4 topics   6 posts
Justin Heames wrote...
Nathan, just read through some of your work. Good stuff man.
Thanks, reading through your stuff now

Here is the newest essay about storytelling in videogames

0 topics   11 posts
Recent review of Starcraft II:


Contributor at
Creator of Station 54
Generally Tired Guy
0 topics   16 posts
I've only been doing video game journalism for about 6 months and I would welcome any comments/criticisms. You can check out my stuff here:

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You misspelled "sight" as "site" in the first paragraph of your bio...


Contributor at
Creator of Station 54
Generally Tired Guy
0 topics   16 posts
New essay about videogames being with us at the edge of our existence -

0 topics   11 posts
Hi folks, just signed up and filling out my profile. In the meantime, here are a couple of articles written a while back. Review of Alan Wake: and observations on Modern Warfare 2 (Soon after it was released): and Ghostbusters Game Review: Looking forward to joining the community :)

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