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I am being sued for libel by Evony
@Timothy. Thanks for your support. I am amazed that it hasn't made the mainstream press. A Chinese business with an American front company sues a British blogger in Australia. Chinese games putting client software on tens of millions of Western computers. Games containing online gambling being aggressively marketed to children. etc etc. I think it shows just how little the mainstream press understand anything online.

10 topics   15 posts
@ Andrew. This is in court. We have had our first hearing, more to come.

10 topics   15 posts

14 topics   111 posts
Hmm that sucks greatly. Have the Guardian offered you any kind of support? Also the Sunday Times has been running big on libel tourism recently so it might be worth getting in touch with someone there to see if they'd be interested.

Keep us updated.

0 topics   1 posts
Someone has done the forensic work and put this amazing video together:

10 topics   15 posts
And now the same people have made a very funny Evony parody advert video:

10 topics   15 posts
What about those prostitutes they put on their adverts...

2 topics   22 posts
I wonder how many new sign ups your blog created for Evony. I wonder how many clicked though the ads on your site. After all bad PR travels faster and reaches more people. If anything your blog made more people aware of Evony and now with this court case the potential to reach more media outlets. They will not win in court. has gone though this a few times. What Evony will win is media coverage and free advertising.

1 topics   2 posts
Yes Dean, it is ironic that they are suing me for harming them when I have probably done the opposite and they should be paying me.
However they are taking the case very seriously indeed and have spent a lot of money on a top legal team.

10 topics   15 posts
This is all very scary. I've read through your blog and I'm firmly behind you Bruce. Please keep us updated.

0 topics   20 posts
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