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Area: Montreal
Perimeter Partners
19009 Poitiers Montreal, QC H9K 1S2 Canada

Perimeter Partners is a consultancy focused on the game industry and provides strategic level guidance and expertise to companies and organizations on the boundary, or perimeter, of the game industry. Our clients seek help in understanding the ever-changing complexities of the game business, along with access to the appropriate people and knowledge. Perimeter Partners serves as the go-between for our clients and the industry.

At a high level, Perimeter Partners delivers value via the following:

  • Maximizing your efforts in the game space
  • Accelerating your understanding of a complex industry
  • Opening doors to key people
  • Providing access to resources and knowledge


The exact nature of our work depends on the specific needs of the client, and usually involves a wide range of possible services. Three example sub-segments of effort include:


Cluster/Economic Development:

  • Economic/tax incentive program development
  • Cluster strategy assessment and implementation
  • Regional business development

Corporate/Business Strategy:

  • Market assessment and viability
  • Business plan development
  • Internal training and staff ramp up

Academic Relations:

  • Game curriculum assessment and development
  • Industry outreach strategy
  • R&D guidance and integration
Submitted by Jason Della Rocca on 22 February 2010 updated 15 year(s) ago
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